Field Education
Review of Early Childhood Education and Care unit standards
Subfield |
Domain |
ID |
Early Childhood Education and Care |
Early Childhood: Educational Theory and Practice |
10013, 10019, 10026, 26707, 26708, 29852-29858, 29860, 29863-29866, 29872-29875, 29877, 29881 |
Early Childhood: Family, Whanau, Community and Society |
29859, 29861, 29867, 29870, 29871, 29876 |
Early Childhood: Professional Practice |
29868, 29869, 29878-29880 |
The Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council has completed the review of the 34 unit standards listed above.
Date new versions published 24 February 2022
Planned review date December 2026
The review was undertaken in line with the scheduled review cycle. It included 34 Early Childhood Education and Care unit standards at Levels 2 - 4, including those aligned to meet the requirements of the following New Zealand qualifications:
· New Zealand Certificate in Early Childhood Learning and Care (Level 2) (40 credits) [Ref: 2848] – expiring December 2024
· New Zealand Certificate in Early Learning and Care (Level 2) (60 credits) [Ref: 4338]
· New Zealand Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Introductory Skills) (Level 3) (60 credits) [Ref: 2849]
· NZ Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 4) (60 credits) [Ref: 2850]
Current and future demand for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECE) unit standards was considered, and changes made to ensure there was a suite of standards aligned to the reviewed qualifications and to reflect current practice.
From June to September 2021, a panel with the necessary ECE skills and experience with target learners, programme development and unit standards assessment met to review the standards. The project was further informed by pre-review stakeholder feedback, and input from the e-network during the review process.
Key stakeholders and organisations with consent to assess had the opportunity to review the standards and offer feedback. The proposed standards were available to the stakeholder network for consultation and endorsement September-October 2021.
All feedback was considered and actioned where appropriate by the Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council following the transition from NZQA National Qualification Services on 4 October 2021.
Main changes
· 21 standards had titles changed to better align with and reflect the intent of the reviewed qualifications and current practice. A simulated environment is now acceptable for Level 3, and standards have been changed from ‘in an ECE service’ to ‘in an early childhood setting’.
· Eight standards had credits increased (10013, 10019, 10026, 29853, 29859, 29864, 29866, 29881) and two standards had credits reduced (29868, 29875) to better reflect complexity of current knowledge and skill requirements and practice, and to align with the reviewed qualifications.
· Seven standards (10013, 29852, 29854, 29856, 29863, 29867, 29870) were designated expiring with replacement standards.
· Ten new standards were developed (33034 replacing 10013; 32988 and 32989 replacing 29852, 29854, 29856; 32990 replacing 29863; 32991; 32992 and 32994 replacing 29867; 32995 replacing 29870, 32996 and 32997) as a result of combining and replacing existing standards to better reflect the graduate outcomes of the reviewed Level 2-4 qualifications and current practice.
· The intent from the ECE qualifications general conditions of threading te reo Māori and tikanga Māori learning throughout, has been applied with specific changes in the suite of ECE standards, including embedding the requirements of the relevant graduate profile outcome in the standards.
Category C and D unit standards will expire at the end of December 2024
Impact on existing organisations with consent to assess
Current consent for |
Consent extended to |
Nature of consent |
Classification or ID |
Level |
Nature of consent |
Classification or ID |
Level |
Domain |
Early Childhood: Educational Theory and Practice |
2-6 |
Domain/Standard |
32991 |
2 |
Domain |
Early Childhood: Family, Whanau, Community, and Society |
2-6 |
Domain/Standard |
32996 32997 |
2 |
Standard |
10013 |
3 |
Standard |
33034 |
3 |
Standard |
29852, 29854, 29856 |
2 |
Standard |
32988 32989 |
2 |
Standard |
29863 |
3 |
Standard |
32990 |
3 |
Standard |
29867 |
3 |
Standard |
32992 32994 |
3 |
Standard |
29870 |
Standard |
32995 |
3 |
Detailed list of unit standards – classification, title, level, and credits
All changes are in bold.
Key to review category |
A |
Dates changed, but no other changes are made - the new version of the standard carries the same ID and a new version number |
B |
Changes made, but the overall outcome remains the same - the new version of the standard carries the same ID and a new version number |
C |
Major changes that necessitate the registration of a replacement standard with a new ID |
D |
Standard will expire and not be replaced |
Education > Early Childhood Education and Care > Early Childhood: Educational Theory and Practice
ID |
Title |
Level |
Credit |
Review Category |
33034 |
Explain the relevance of the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum Te Whāriki as a framework for programme development Describe Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa Early Childhood Curriculum |
3 |
3 3 |
10019 |
Describe and contribute to safe practices and a safe environment for children in an ECE service Describe and contribute to safe practices and a safe environment for mokopuna/children in an early childhood setting |
3 |
3 4 |
B |
10026 |
Demonstrate knowledge of children's development and learning and their relevance to an ECE service Demonstrate knowledge of mokopuna/children's holistic development and learning in an early childhood setting |
3 |
5 6 |
B |
26707 |
Describe the value of play and create resources for children's development and learning in an ECE service Describe the value of play and create resources for children's learning and development in an early childhood setting |
3 |
B |
26708 |
Develop respectful, reciprocal and responsive relationships with children in an ECE service Describe respectful, reciprocal and responsive relationships with mokopuna/children in an early childhood setting |
3 |
B |
29852 29854
29856 32988
32989 |
Demonstrate knowledge of the basic needs and nutrition that support young children's holistic wellbeing and development Describe personal
and environmental hygiene and safety practices for the care of young children Describe and
demonstrate basic care needs and practices for young mokopuna/children |
2 2 2 2 |
2 5 |
29853 |
Demonstrate knowledge of health issues and services available to protect and enhance the wellbeing of young children Demonstrate knowledge of health issues, practices and services to protect and enhance the wellbeing of young children |
2 |
3 4 |
B |
29855 |
Describe attachment relationships and strategies used to support transitions for young children Describe attachment behaviours and strategies used to support transitions for young mokopuna/children |
2 |
3 |
B |
29857 |
Describe patterns of development and learning for young children Describe patterns of development and learning for young mokopuna/children |
2 |
5 |
B |
29858 |
Provide and reflect on the value of play experiences for a child's development and learning Provide and reflect on the value of play experiences for a mokopuna/child's development and learning |
2 |
5 |
B |
29860 |
Describe strategies and practices used to develop positive relationships and to guide behaviour in young children Describe strategies and practices to develop positive relationships, social and emotional competence in young children |
2 |
6 |
B |
29863 32990 |
Develop, implement and evaluate a learning plan based on observation of a child in an ECE service Develop skills to observe and analyse learning and development of a mokopuna/child in an early childhood setting |
5 3 |
29864 |
Demonstrate knowledge of attachment theories, behaviours and transition support in an ECE service Demonstrate knowledge of attachment theories, behaviours and transition support in an early childhood setting |
3 |
3 4 |
B |
29865 |
Describe and reflect on practices to protect and promote the health and holistic wellbeing of children in an ECE service Describe and reflect on practices to protect and promote the health and holistic wellbeing of young mokopuna/children |
3 |
4 |
B |
29866 |
Demonstrate knowledge of, apply and reflect on age-related nutrition needs for a child in an ECE service Demonstrate knowledge of, apply and reflect on age-related nutrition needs for a child in an early childhood setting |
3 |
2 3 |
B |
29872 |
Demonstrate knowledge of how theories of children's learning and development influence practice in an ECE service Demonstrate knowledge of how theories of children's holistic development and learning influence practice |
4 |
5 |
B |
29873 |
Demonstrate knowledge of the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whāriki to inform ECE practice Demonstrate knowledge of Te Whāriki to inform ECE practice |
4 |
5 |
B |
29874 |
Plan, implement, analyse and evaluate enriching experiences that enhance learning for a child in an ECE service Plan, implement and review enriching and culturally responsive learning experiences for a child in an ECE service |
4 |
5 |
B |
29875 |
Contribute to providing an early childhood environment that enhances the health, wellbeing, care and safety of children Provide a safe environment to protect and support the holistic wellbeing and care of mokopuna/children in an ECE Service |
4 |
5 |
B |
29877 |
Use and evaluate strategies to engage in relationships and support children's social competence in an ECE community |
4 |
5 |
B |
29881 |
Demonstrate understanding of diverse philosophical and cultural ECE contexts to inform own ECE practice in New Zealand |
4 |
4 5 |
B |
32991 |
Describe factors that influence a mokopuna/child’s brain development and lifelong learning |
2 |
5 |
Education > Early Childhood Education and Care > Early Childhood: Family, Whanau, Community, and Society
ID |
Title |
Level |
Credit |
Review Category |
29859 |
Describe values and beliefs that inform own personal approach to the learning and care of young children Describe values and beliefs that inform a personal approach to the learning and care of young mokopuna/children |
2 |
4 5 |
B |
29861 |
Identify and describe agencies/services available in the community to support young children and families Identify and describe agencies/services available to support young mokopuna/children and whānau/families |
2 |
3 |
B |
29867 32992
32994 |
Demonstrate knowledge of diverse whānau/families and use a range of effective communication strategies in an ECE service Demonstrate knowledge of whānau/families and cultural diversity strategies in an early childhood setting Communicate and support the use of languages to develop and maintain relationships in an early childhood setting |
3 |
5 3 4 |
29870 32995 |
Demonstrate knowledge of te Tiriti o Waitangi, legislation and organisations relevant to ECE services in New Zealand Demonstrate knowledge of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, legislation, services and support relevant to an early childhood setting |
3 |
29871 |
Describe and compare a range of ECE services and philosophies in Aotearoa New Zealand |
3 |
3 |
B |
29876 |
Use culturally responsive strategies to build relationships and communicate effectively in an ECE community |
4 |
5 |
B |
32996 |
Describe factors that contribute to the health and holistic wellbeing of the kukune/foetus during haputanga/pregnancy |
2 |
5 |
32997 |
Describe language rich environments across the early years within a responsive relationship |
2 |
3 |
Education > Early Childhood Education and Care > Early Childhood: Professional Practice
ID |
Title |
Level |
Credit |
Review Category |
29868 |
Demonstrate professional behaviour and manage personal health and wellbeing in an ECE service Describe professional behaviours and manage personal health and wellbeing in an early childhood setting |
3 |
4 3 |
B |
29869 |
Demonstrate knowledge of ethical responsibility to guide practice in an ECE service Demonstrate knowledge of ethical responsibility to guide practice in an early childhood setting |
3 |
3 |
B |
29878 |
Manage own health, wellbeing and personal and professional development as an educator in an ECE service |
4 |
3 4 |
B |
29879 |
Describe societal influences, practices and legislative requirements that support child protection in an ECE service |
4 |
4 |
B |
29880 |
Describe the roles and responsibilities, administration and reporting requirements, and funding for an ECE service |
4 |
4 |
B |