Field           Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries


Rollover of Level 3 Forestry unit standards






Forest Establishment

1234, 1236, 1237

Forestry Foundation Skills


Forest Harvesting Operations

1230, 6920, 22132

Forest Health Surveillance


Forest Landing Operations

1252, 6924, 25787

Forest Mechanised Harvesting


Forest Mensuration

1222, 17770

Forest Operations

43, 1221, 17772, 23411, 24574, 24575, 24579, 25788, 25804

Forest Operations Advanced


Forest Silvicultural Operations

1243, 1245, 1247, 6950, 6972, 6973, 31982

Forestry – Breaking Out

1231, 1256, 6369, 24567

Machine Operations- Forestry

6926, 24568, 27964, 27965

Tree Felling

17763, 17766, 25952, 28560, 28562


Muka Tangata – People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council has completed the rollover of the level 3 forestry unit standards listed above.


Date new versions published                                                               April 2024


Planned review date                                                                              December 2028




Muka Tangata identified the Level 3 Forestry unit standards listed above that are scheduled for review in 2024 as part of the Forestry review of all qualifications and standards from May 2023-August 2024.  Consultation was conducted with industry, provider and NZQA representatives determining the above unit standards will be rolled over until December 2028 and will be replaced with skill standards.  This is to ensure sufficient time is given for learners and providers to complete their current enrolled programmes.


Main changes


·      44 unit standards did not undergo full consultation and were rolled over to allow them to be used in programmes while further development of skill standards takes place.

·      The planned review date is extended from 31 December 2024 to 31 December 2028.

·      Standard setting body has been changed to Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council from Competenz.