Field Service Sector
Rollover and Revision of Specialist Cleaning Environments unit standards
Subfield |
Domain |
ID |
Cleaning and Caretaking |
Specialist Cleaning Environments |
30892-30894 |
Ringa Hora Services Workforce Development Council (WDC) has completed the rollover and revision of the unit standards listed above.
Date new versions published January 2024
Planned review date December 2026
Ringa Hora Services WDC revised and rolled over three unit standards within the Specialist Cleaning Environments domain which are specific to methamphetamine contamination and screen sampling.
Consultation was carried out during late 2023 with subject matter experts from New Zealand’s specialist cleaning sector and training providers, by email, and through online meetings, requesting feedback on the changes required to update to skill standards. The skill standards content still needed to meet the requirements of New Zealand Standard NZS 8510:2017 Testing and decontamination of methamphetamine-contaminated properties. It was identified that the NZS 8510:2017 contains ambiguous information and is due to be revised, therefore it was considered prudent to revise and rollover the existing unit standards until New Zealand Standards and industry have completed the revision.
Changes were made to the existing unit standards where required and confirmed by the subject matter experts.
Main changes
· Unit standards 30892, 30893, and 30894 were revised and rolled over with a new planned review date of December 2026.
· Purpose statements have been amended for further clarification.
· The definition for methamphetamine contamination in unit standard 30892 has been amended to correct a formatting error.
· Outcomes 2 and 3 in unit standard 30892 have been amended for clarity with the performance criteria.
· A qualifying statement has been added to the guidance information in unit standard 30893 to show all assessment outcomes must be in accordance with NZS 8510:2017.
· Range statement for performance criteria 2.2 in unit standard 30893 has been amended for clarification.
· The definition for organisational requirements in unit standard 30894 has been amended to include documents in electronic format.
· The definition for screening technology in unit standard 30894 has been removed as it did not appear elsewhere within the unit standard.
· Standard setting body details were updated from Community Support Services ITO Limited to Ringa Hora Services Workforce Development Council.