Domain - Christian Ethics

Domain - Christian Ethics

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Level 1
5972 Unit Relate supplied biblical or doctrinal information to given situations
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2 Credits
6032 Unit Describe and apply a method of decision-making consistent with Christian values
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2 Credits
Level 2
6034 Unit Describe the process of moral decision making with reference to a personalised value system
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4 Credits
Level 3
11833 Unit Describe how conscience may affect ethical decision-making for the Christian
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2 Credits
11839 Unit Describe selected ethical issues and a Christian position to each
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2 Credits
Level 4
11832 Unit Describe two major types of ethical theory and categorise a variety of theories according to type
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2 Credits
11840 Unit Explain how a Christian response may be made to a variety of ethical issues
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3 Credits
11844 Unit Explain the use of the Bible in Christian ethics, with reference to a selected ethical issue
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3 Credits
Level 5
11834 Unit Discuss how a range of sources contributes to ethical decision-making by Christians
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3 Credits
11835 Unit Discuss a variety of ethical theories and how they contribute to the decision-making of Christians
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2 Credits
11836 Unit Discuss conscience, factors that shape it, and how it may affect Christian ethical decision-making
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3 Credits
11837 Unit Examine the Treaty of Waitangi and discuss ways it informs law-making and a Christian ethic
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3 Credits
11841 Unit Explain legal and Christian ethical requirements in one profession and evaluate personal practice
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4 Credits
11842 Unit Discuss a range of responses, including a preferred Christian response, to selected ethical issues
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5 Credits
11845 Unit Outline a range of Old and New Testament ethical teaching, and explain its use in Christian ethics
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4 Credits
11846 Unit Discuss understandings of, and approaches to, scripture and how they affect Christian ethics
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3 Credits
Level 6
11838 Unit Analyse a variety of ethical theories and defend a preferred theory from a Christian perspective
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3 Credits
11843 Unit Analyse theological perspectives and defend a preferred Christian perspective on an ethical issue
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3 Credits
11847 Unit Analyse and evaluate the contribution to Christian ethics of approaches to biblical interpretation
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4 Credits
11848 Unit Analyse and evaluate some Old and New Testament ethical teaching as a source of Christian ethics
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4 Credits