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Your search found 12 Unit Standards

Matched the following keywords:

Cook Islands Cultural Studies
Cook Islands Tradition and Culture
Niue Crafts
Niue Tradition and Culture
Pacific Business and Management
Pacific Change and Development
Pacific Indigenous Knowledge
Pacific Societies
Tongan Crafts

17163 Draw a conclusion after an investigation into an aspect of Pacific indigenous knowledge with guidance 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (117KB) (106KB)
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17166 Draw a conclusion after an investigation into an aspect of Pacific change and development with guidance 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (87KB) (105KB)
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17169 Draw a conclusion after an investigation into an aspect of Pacific society with guidance 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (87KB) (104KB)
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21298 Demonstrate knowledge and skills of traditional Niue dyeing 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (114KB) (101KB)
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21302 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of traditional Niue weaving 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (114KB) (100KB)
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21305 Demonstrate knowledge of the tika 1 credits Internal
Unit standard (112KB) (101KB)
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21315 Demonstrate knowledge of agamotu in moui Niue 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (78KB) (98KB)
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21316 Demonstrate knowledge of religions in moui Niue 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (30KB) (99KB)
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21317 Describe fono Niue and associated roles 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (79KB) (100KB)
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21319 Demonstrate knowledge of Niue ceremonies 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (80KB) (100KB)
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26539 Communicate detailed understanding of an aspect of Pacific culture through a planned presentation with guidance 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (119KB) (108KB)
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32981 Explore and present personal connections to an aspect of Cook Islands' culture 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (122KB) (113KB)
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