Domain - Epilepsy Care

Domain - Epilepsy Care

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Level 4
7174 Unit Describe historical and cultural beliefs about epilepsy
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
4 Credits
7176 Unit Describe Epilepsy NZ and its relationship with epilepsy health services
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
2 Credits
7179 Unit Describe the non-pharmacological management of epilepsy
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
4 Credits
Level 5
7172 Unit Describe nervous system anatomy and physiology and its relationship with epilepsy
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
10 Credits
7173 Unit Describe the psychological and psychiatric conditions associated with epilepsy
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
8 Credits
7177 Unit Document client history and describe medical investigations for epilepsy
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
5 Credits
Level 6
7170 Unit Assist a person during epileptic seizures and emergency situations
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
14 Credits
7171 Unit Define and establish management strategies for the way epilepsy affects lifestyle
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
20 Credits
7175 Unit Define monitoring of drug therapy and special precautions in relation to epilepsy
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
5 Credits
7181 Unit Explain the pharmacology of anti-epileptic medications
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
20 Credits
Level 7
7178 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of epilepsy
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
20 Credits
7180 Unit Explain the principles of diagnosis and prognosis of epilepsy
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
12 Credits