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Assessment Standards

Engineering Core Skills
Level 2
29651 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of health and safety when welding and thermal cutting
This standard is expiring. The last date for assessment to take place is 31 December 2025.
3 Credits
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Version 2
This unit standard was replaced by unit standard 33135.
View Education Organisations with Consent to Assess
This unit standard is for people working with welding and thermal cutting equipment in the mechanical engineering, fabrication, or welding trades. It is expected that the knowledge will be supplemented as required by additional training in the use of specific equipment in the workplace. People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of the following when welding or thermal cutting: immediate safety hazards and long term health hazards; personal protective equipment (PPE); safe use of equipment; the dangers and safety precautions in confined spaces; and the dangers, control methods, and extraction of fumes.
Standard-setting body: Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Data as at 02 November 2024