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Your search found 4 Achievement Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Agricultural and Horticultural Science

91928 Agricultural & Horticultural Science (AgHort) Demonstrate understanding of how a life process is managed in a primary production system 6 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2024 (138KB)
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91929 Agricultural & Horticultural Science (AgHort) Demonstrate understanding of factors that influence the purpose and location of primary production 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2024 (136KB)
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91930 Agricultural & Horticultural Science (AgHort) Demonstrate understanding of how soil properties are managed in a primary production system 5 credits External
Achievement standard 2024 (138KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (321KB)
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91931 Agricultural & Horticultural Science (AgHort) Demonstrate understanding of environmental sustainability in primary production management practices 4 credits External
Achievement standard 2024 (143KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (321KB)
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