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Your search found 6 Unit Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Casino Cashiering

14687 Handle, transfer and process gaming chips in a casino cashiering area 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (80KB) (100KB)
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14688 Carry out non-cash dealings in a casino cashiering area 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (80KB) (99KB)
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14689 Deal with coin and cash in a casino cashiering area 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (83KB) (100KB)
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14690 Handle foreign currency in a casino cashiering area 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (31KB) (99KB)
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14691 Follow emergency procedures for a casino cashiering area 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (33KB) (100KB)
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14692 Operate a deposit and cheque handling facility in a casino cashiering area 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (83KB) (101KB)
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