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Your search found 7 Achievement Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Design - Graphic Communication
Design and Visual Communication

91337 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) Use visual communication techniques to generate design ideas 3 credits External
Assessment report 2023 (98KB)
Assessment schedule 2023 (51KB)
Assessment report 2022 (168KB)
Assessment schedule 2022 (59KB)
Assessment report 2021 (233KB)
Assessment schedule 2021 (53KB)
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91338 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) Produce working drawings to communicate technical details of a design 4 credits External
Assessment report 2023 (98KB)
Assessment schedule 2023 (52KB)
Assessment report 2022 (168KB)
Assessment schedule 2022 (58KB)
Assessment report 2021 (233KB)
Assessment schedule 2021 (47KB)
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91339 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) Produce instrumental perspective projection drawings to communicate design ideas 3 credits External
Assessment report 2023 (99KB)
Assessment schedule 2023 (49KB)
Assessment report 2022 (168KB)
Assessment schedule 2022 (55KB)
Assessment report 2021 (233KB)
Assessment schedule 2021 (50KB)
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91340 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) Use the characteristics of a design movement or era to inform own design ideas 3 credits Internal
This standard is internally assessed. See Te Kete Ipurangi website
91341 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) Develop a spatial design through graphics practice 6 credits Internal
This standard is internally assessed. See Te Kete Ipurangi website
91342 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) Develop a product design through graphics practice 6 credits Internal
This standard is internally assessed. See Te Kete Ipurangi website
91343 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) Use visual communication techniques to compose a presentation of a design 4 credits Internal
This standard is internally assessed. See Te Kete Ipurangi website

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