Organisation: Te Pou Oranga o Whakatohea Limited

6 qualifications found
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Qualification Type
National Certificate in Business Administration and Computing (Level 2) 0008 Discontinued National Certificate 2 60
National Certificate in Computing (Level 2) 0010 Discontinued National Certificate 2 43
National Certificate in Computing (Level 3) 0011 Discontinued National Certificate 3 46
New Zealand Certificate in Business (Administration and Technology) (Level 4) 2461 Current Certificate 4 60 27 Organisations can assist in gaining this qualification
New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture (Level 3) 2678 Current Certificate 3 55 - 90 18 Organisations can assist in gaining this qualification
New Zealand Certificate in Seafood Processing (Level 3) 3130 Current Certificate 3 50 5 Organisations can assist in gaining this qualification