Qualification Overview

Qualification Title NZCDI Graduate Certificate in Curriculum Design and Academic Management
Qualification Type Graduate Certificate
Level 7
Credits 60
Subject Area
  • Education » Curriculum and Education Studies » Education Studies
Strategic Purpose Statement
The strategic purpose of this qualification is to provide the tertiary-higher, community and business sectors with specialised work-ready professional level curriculum designers and learning, training, development, capacity, education, academic managers. Recent developments in tertiary-higher education, community and business organisations require professionals who possess the practice and research-based capabilities to effectively improve the knowledge, skills and personal characteristics of those who work for or with them.
This qualification can be justified on the grounds it addresses new developments in quality standards, accreditation, auditing, self-assessment and evaluation nationally and internationally in diverse tertiary-higher, community and business organisations. The qualification is unique in providing capabilities identified by tertiary-higher education, community and business employers as essential for advancing curriculum designers and learning, training, development, capacity, education, academic managers, such as: advanced understandings of learning and development strategies, priorities and progressions, specific governance and learning related planning requirements, programme components, scoping, consultation and stakeholder engagement, current education-academic quality management systems, and specialist tertiary-higher education suited to diverse staff including those highly educated and experienced in their specific fields and disciplines.
The qualification is designed for mature learners with an interest and some experience of the learning-teaching sector who wish to move into a career as a specialised curriculum designer, and/or professional learning, training, development, capacity, education, academic sector manager. This qualification will contribute to the diverse national and international tertiary-higher, community and business sectors by increasing the effectiveness and quality of current learning, tertiary-higher education, community and business sectors by optimising the effectiveness of the learning that can be achieved. The benefactors of this qualification will be the tertiary-higher education and community and business sector organisations and their stakeholders.
Graduates of the programme will achieve a professional curriculum design and learning-academic manager capable of effectively developing and implementing learning programmes for diverse learners and tertiary-higher, community and business organisations to effect continuing improvements in learning outcomes.
Graduate profile
Graduates with this qualification will achieve and be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills to contribute to quality higher education (or other) educational sector curriculum design and developments. Over the duration of the programme learners will develop, design and manage core components in a higher education (or other sector) curriculum or quality assurance system.
Graduate Profile:
Graduates will acquire the following personal, interactive and specific attributes:
* be flexible
* have a willingness and ability to learn, inquiry and engage in life-long learning
* have a balanced theoretical and practical perspective
* have skills of analysis, and problem solving
* have inquiry, and practical problem solving skills
* be able to practice safely
* have integrity and equity orientation
* have an understanding of the principles of partnership inherent in the Treaty of Waitangi and be able to ensure that their professional practice is reflective of these principles
* be able to effectively participate in a team; evaluate and solve problems
* be empathetic and sensitive to gender, ability, age, and ethnicity
* be able to demonstrate effective oral, practical and written skills
* positively and constructively evaluate and critique their own performance
* provide a professional higher education curriculum design or quality assurance system participant
Programme Specific
* have knowledge of the significance and purpose of quality higher education (or other) sector curriculum design and quality assurance components
* have the knowledge, and skills, to plan and design components in a quality assurance system, for a range of settings
* have knowledge of and be able to apply appropriately select and relate facilitation, assessment and moderation approaches for a higher education (or other) educational sector curriculum design
* have knowledge and experience of designing and developing educational quality assurance system components
Education pathways
This qualification leads to the Graduate Diploma in Academic Design and Academic Management (L7) (120 Cr)
Employment pathways
This qualification leads to employment as an adult educator, moderator, lecturer, curriculum advisor, programme leader, learning advisor, academic Advisor, quality manger, development manager, learning manager, capability manager, academic manager, learning manager, department of faculty head of department or learning centre mentor, supervisor and team leader or manager.To find out more about employment opportunities click on the CareersNZ logo, then the provider who offers this qualification.
Entry Requirements
Applicants must hold a formal teaching qualification (Certificate in Tertiary Teaching, Teaching Diploma or Degree) or equivalent, and have at least 2 years teaching experience in a higher education or other setting. Applicants for whom English is not their first language will also be required to have achieved Academic IELTS 6 or equivalent with no band score below 5.5 in one test event. All applicants will be required to submit an application form, current curriculum vitae and write a statement about their professional goals and rationale for seeking entry into the programme. All learners wishing to enter the programme will undergo a conversation to discuss their interest in the programme. Applicants without a formal adult teaching qualification may enter this programme post successful completion of a prescribed preliminary paper 100, Adult Learning Theories, Approaches and Practices.
Developed By House of Montrose Limited
Quality Assured By New Zealand Qualifications Authority
Number 112071
Status Discontinued
Created 2009-09-30 10:27:23.0
Next Review 2018-03-06 00:00:00.0

Qualification Title

The qualification title names the overall focus of the qualification.

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Te Reo Māori Title

Listed under Te Reo Māori title with English equivalent.

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Mātauranga Māori Qualification

A qualification quality assured and approved through the Te Hono o Te Kahurangi quality assurance approach.

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Qualification Type

There are different types of qualifications including certificate, diploma, degree and post-graduate certificates and diplomas. Qualification types relate to NZQF levels.

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The NZQF has ten levels. Level one is least complex and is often entry-level, for example foundation certificates. Levels eight to ten are the most complex, and include post-graduate study.

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The credit value relates to the size of the qualification. One credit equates to ten hours of learning. One year's full-time study at a provider is usually 120 credits, but if you are studying part-time or in the work place the credit value may vary.

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Subject Area

All qualifications are grouped into subject areas on the New Zealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCED). The subject area is a keyword and can be used when searching for qualifications in an area of interest.

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Strategic Purpose Statement

Strategic purpose statement explains the reason why the qualification has been developed. It identifies the target learners and for what roles the qualification prepares them.

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Graduate profile

The Graduate profile explains the skills, knowledge and attributes a graduate will have attained on achieving the qualification. It describes what they can know and do and be.

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Education pathways

Education pathways include other qualifications you can enrol into after completing this qualification.

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Employment pathways

Employment pathways include the kinds of careers you can develop with this qualification.

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Next Review

This is the date the qualification will expire and be reviewed or discontinued.

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Last Date For Entry

The last date a learner can be enrolled in a programme leading to this qualification.

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Entry Requirements

The level of education or training you need to have achieved before an education organisation will consider enrolling you for it or arranging the training. Each organisation may also have entry requirements for the programmes they run.

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Education Organisation

This is the organisation that can help you achieve the qualification.

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Developed By

Qualifications are developed by education organisations. These include standard setting bodies, like industry training organisations, and tertiary providers, such as universities, polytechnics and private training establishments.

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Quality Assured By

All qualifications on the NZQF have been checked by the quality assurance bodies of NZQA, ITP Quality or NZVCC to ensure qualifications have meaningful outcomes.

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All qualifications have a unique number.

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The status shows if a qualification is current, expiring or discontinued. Only current qualifications have programmes at education organisations that are open to new enrolments.

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This is the date the qualification was listed on the NZQF.

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Last Reviewed

Last date the qualification was formally reviewed.

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Information on how a qualification is structured.

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This is the date the qualification was discontinued and no longer available.

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