Qualification Overview

Qualification Title Bachelor of Architectural Technology (Level 7)
Qualification Type Bachelor Degree
Level 7
Credits 360
Subject Area
  • Architecture and Building » Architecture and Urban Environment » Architecture
Strategic Purpose Statement
The Bachelor of Architectural Technology is aimed at secondary students (who have achieved the requisite entrance qualifications) and recent certificate or diploma graduates (in architectural technology or construction or related fields) wishing to undertake a degree programme of study in order to acquire the technical skills and knowledge necessary for a career in architectural technology. The architectural sector, construction industry and wider society will benefit from the increase in the level and breadth of technical knowledge and industry capability. It is also a qualification pathway for practising architectural designers, draughtspersons and CAD technicians who wish to obtain a more senior position.
Graduate profile
Graduates of the Bachelor of Architectural Technology will be able to:
Analyse complex architectural information and make informed architectural decisions;
Apply advanced knowledge and analytical, practical and research capabilities to solve architectural technology problems;
Engage in professional level communication in oral, visual and written modes to convey architectural information;
Apply cultural values in architectural contexts;
Evaluate and advise on services elements and sustainable materials, methods and technologies for use in construction projects;
Learn independently and undertake professional development in architectural technology; and
Think critically and respond appropriately when confronted with ethical, legal or professional challenges in architectural technology contexts.
Education pathways
Graduates wishing to undertake further study may be admitted into more advanced programmes in New Zealand or overseas.
Employment pathways
Possible employers in the public sector include government departments, local authorities, and educational institutions. Possible employers in the private sector include architects, construction companies, consultancies, and infrastructure service companies. Graduates may also work in private practice. Public and private sector organisations employing graduates will benefit from the knowledge and specialist skills that the graduates have acquired during their programme of study.To find out more about employment opportunities click on the CareersNZ logo, then the provider who offers this qualification.
Entry Requirements
Admission criteria for the Bachelor of Architectural Technology are as follows:
Students will have
achieved NCEA Level 3 and met New Zealand university entrance requirements including:
three subjects at level 3, each with a minimum of 14 credits from NZQA's list of approved subjects (normally including a mathematics subject and a science or technology subject),
Literacy: 10 credits at Level 2 or above, made up of 5 credits in reading and 5 credits in writing
Numeracy - 10 credits at Level 1 or above.
completed the New Zealand Diploma in Architectural Technology
completed the New Zealand Diploma in Construction

ii. Special Admission
Notwithstanding the above admission criteria, mature aged applicants who can show evidence of ability to succeed in the programmes may be considered for admission, provided they have successfully completed an approved course or programme, or have relevant industry experience, which is deemed to meet the required standard for entry.

iii. Provisional Part-time Admission

An applicant who does not meet academic criteria may be provisionally admitted to enrol in one or more papers. Upon successful completion of the paper(s), the student may apply for special admission.

iv. Additional Criteria
Applicants whose first language is not English, or who come from a country where the language of instruction in schools is not English, are required to provide evidence of having achieved one of the following:
- NCEA Level 3 with University Entrance; or
- an International Baccalaureate Diploma or Cambridge A¬ level qualification for which the teaching and assessment was conducted in English; or
- Cambridge Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA); or
- Trinity College London Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CertTESOL);or
- Successful completion of all primary education (being the equivalent of New Zealand primary school years 1 to 8) and at least three years of secondary education (being the equivalent of three years from New Zealand secondary school years 9 to 13) at schools in either New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States one of the countries listed in Rule 18.5 where the student was taught using English as the language of instruction; or
- Successful completion of at least five years of secondary education (being the equivalent of New Zealand secondary school years 9 to 13) at schools in either New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States where the student was taught using English as the language of instruction; or
- Successful completion of a Bachelor's Degree, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Bachelor Honours degree, Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma, Masters' Degree or Doctoral Degree, the language of instruction of which must be in English and which must be from a tertiary education provider from New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, the United Kingdom or the United States; or
- Successful completion of one of the following internationally recognised proficiency tests listed below to the level required of the programme of study and with all scores achieved in a single test during the two years preceding the proposed date of enrolment:
Certificate or Diploma at Level 6 / Diploma or Degree at Level 7 / Graduate Certificate or Diploma at Level 7
IELTS test - Academic score of 6 with no band score lower than 5.5
TOEFL Paper based test (pBT) - Score of 550 (with an essay score 5 TWE)
TOEFL Internet based test (iBT) - Score of 60 (with a writing score of 18)
Cambridge English Examination - B2 First or B2 First for schools or C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency with a score of 169. No less than 162 in each skill.
OET - Minimum of Grade C or 200 in all sub-tests
NZCEL - a) Expiring Level b) Current:
a) Level 4 (Academic) b) Level 4 (Academic)
Pearson Test of English (Academic) - PTE (Academic) score of 50 with no band score lower than 42
Language Cert - C1 Expert IESOL (LRWS) with PASS and no less than Pass in each skill
Trinity ISE - ISE II with no less than distinction in any band

All enrolments in the Graduate Diploma in Architectural Technology and Bachelor of Architectural Technology programmes are approved at the discretion of the Programme Operations Manager in consultation with the Head of Faculty and teaching staff as required. The Head of Faculty will determine the maximum number of students permitted to enrol in the programmes.
Education Organisation Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Developed By Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Quality Assured By New Zealand Qualifications Authority
Number 4082
Status Current
Created September 2020
Next Review December 2024
Bachelor of Architectural Technology students will undertake a coherent programme of 360 credits approved by the Programme Operations Manager, comprising seventeen compulsory papers:
BART510 Architectural Design 1 (15 credits)
BART520 Architectural Drawing 1 (30 credits)
BCON540 Construction Technology 1 (15 credits)
BART550 Environmental Impact and Site Feasibility (15 credits)
BART560 Information Communication (15 credits)
BART570 Legislation and the Construction Industry (15 credits)
BART580 Materials Science (15 credits)
BART600 Architectural Design and Drawing 2 (30 credits)
BART610 Architectural Documentation (30 credits)
BART620 Building Services (15 credits)
BART630 Construction Technology 2 (15 credits)
BART660 Structural Building Systems (15 credits)
BART710 Building Information Modelling and Communication (15 credits)
BART720 Industry Design Studio Project (30 credits)
BART730 Professional Practice and Ethics (15 credits)
BART740 Research Project (15 credits)
BART750 Sustainable Technology and Construction Methodologies (15 credits)
and an approved selection of three papers from the following list of electives:
BART640 Integrated Environmental Systems (15 credits)
BART650 Project Management (15 credits)
BART760 Architecture for the Green Economy (15 credits)
BART770 Architecture of Restoration and Conservation (15 credits)
BART780 History and Development of Architecture (15 credits)

Qualification Title

The qualification title names the overall focus of the qualification.

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Te Reo Maori Title

Listed under Te Reo Maori title with English equivalent.

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Matauranga Maori Qualification

A qualification quality assured and approved through the Te Hono o Te Kahurangi quality assurance approach.

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Qualification Type

There are different types of qualifications including certificate, diploma, degree and post-graduate certificates and diplomas. Qualification types relate to NZQF levels.

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The NZQF has ten levels. Level one is least complex and is often entry-level, for example foundation certificates. Levels eight to ten are the most complex, and include post-graduate study.

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The credit value relates to the size of the qualification. One credit equates to ten hours of learning. One year's full-time study at a provider is usually 120 credits, but if you are studying part-time or in the work place the credit value may vary.

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Subject Area

All qualifications are grouped into subject areas on the New Zealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCED). The subject area is a keyword and can be used when searching for qualifications in an area of interest.

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Strategic Purpose Statement

Strategic purpose statement explains the reason why the qualification has been developed. It identifies the target learners and for what roles the qualification prepares them.

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Graduate profile

The Graduate profile explains the skills, knowledge and attributes a graduate will have attained on achieving the qualification. It describes what they can know and do and be.

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Education pathways

Education pathways include other qualifications you can enrol into after completing this qualification.

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Employment pathways

Employment pathways include the kinds of careers you can develop with this qualification.

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Next Review

This is the date the qualification will expire and be reviewed or discontinued.

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Last Date For Entry

The last date a learner can be enrolled in a programme leading to this qualification.

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Entry Requirements

The level of education or training you need to have achieved before an education organisation will consider enrolling you for it or arranging the training. Each organisation may also have entry requirements for the programmes they run.

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Education Organisation

This is the organisation that can help you achieve the qualification.

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Developed By

Qualifications are developed by education organisations. These include standard setting bodies, like industry training organisations, and tertiary providers, such as universities, polytechnics and private training establishments.

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Quality Assured By

All qualifications on the NZQF have been checked by the quality assurance bodies of NZQA, ITP Quality or NZVCC to ensure qualifications have meaningful outcomes.

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All qualifications have a unique number.

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The status shows if a qualification is current, expiring or discontinued. Only current qualifications have programmes at education organisations that are open to new enrolments.

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This is the date the qualification was listed on the NZQF.

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Last Reviewed

Last date the qualification was formally reviewed.

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Information on how a qualification is structured.

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This is the date the qualification was discontinued and no longer available.

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