Qualification Overview

Qualification Title Bachelor of Applied Information Technology
Qualification Type Bachelor Degree
Level 7
Credits 360
Subject Area
  • Information Technology » Computer Science » Computer Science not elsewhere classified
Strategic Purpose Statement
The strategic purpose of this degree is to provide students with a recognized applied information technology qualification in their chosen specialisation. The courses balance practical skills with academic knowledge and soft skills. Graduates will be technically knowledgeable, employable and skilled for IT-related positions of their chosen field or prepared for further study at postgraduate level. They will be able to contribute to their profession and society in an ethical manner. The strategic purpose of this new degree for Whitecliffe aligns to several important aspects that impacted programme development: · The long-term skills shortage within the sector particularly evident in the South Island and lower North Island. · The extensive stakeholder engagement identified a skill shortage in applied IT skills needed right now and into the foreseeable future in the workplace. · The strategic alignment with the New Zealand L5 and L6 qualifications. · Whitecliffe's future developments for 2020-2022 in emerging technologies, discussed in detail in the Whitecliffe Investment Plan 2019-2022 submitted to the Tertiary Education Commission. · To provide students with an introduction to design thinking concepts.
Graduate profile
Graduates of the Bachelor of Applied Information Technology will develop a systemic and coherent understanding of Information Technology. In their chosen specialisation of Network Engineering and Security or Software and Web Development they will develop knowledge and understanding that they can apply in the workplace and will prepare them for IT professional body membership and certification.

Core knowledge and skills:
* Apply critical thinking skills to resolve information technology challenges in a range of contexts and communicate ideas effectively.
* Select, adapt and apply a range of IT infrastructure, architecture and software development processes and solutions in their organisational or industry context.
* Manage the requirements analysis, design, development, implementation and quality assurance of Information Technology projects and systems.
* Apply ethical, legal and social practice within the industry, while working with professional intent, demonstrating a commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
* Self-manage, lead and or collaborate within a project to generate and communicate the solutions identified to meet the needs of the market or business.
Specialised knowledge and skills:
* Identify opportunities for the application of specialist knowledge to a range of technical contexts including security, systems deployment and maintenance.
* Lead and implement change management processes and procedures for an organisation in their chosen area of specialisation.
Network Engineering and Security Graduates will be able to:
* Troubleshoot local and wide-area enterprise networks on advanced security, voice, wireless and video solutions.

* Plan, configure, install and verify the implementation of complex enterprise switched and routed networks using current network architecture.
Software and Web Development Graduates will be able to:
* Design, develop and maintain software applications, web and mobile solutions and related technologies.
* Critically evaluate and implement solutions for software and web related environments.
Education pathways
Students successfully completing the Bachelor of Applied Information Technology will be equipped to undertake further study and progress to specialist postgraduate courses.
Employment pathways
Graduates of the Bachelor of Applied Information Technology will have the specialised and transferable skills, knowledge, and attributes to be employed in a range of roles in an organisation, that may include:
Network Engineering and Security:
* Network Engineer
* Security Systems Engineer
* IT Business Analyst
* Infrastructure Support/ Management
* Field or Service Technical Support
* Network Service Manager
Software and Web Development:
* Software Developer
* Front-end Web Developer
* Back-end Web Developer
* Application Developer
* QA Test AnalystTo find out more about employment opportunities click on the CareersNZ logo, then the provider who offers this qualification.
Entry Requirements
Applicants must demonstrate an ability to undertake degree level study, including appropriate knowledge and skills in the areas of written communication and mathematics, by having achieved:

* University Entrance: NCEA Level 3 or above and 20 credits at NCEA Level 2 or above, including:
* NCEA Level 3; 14 credits each in three approved subjects
* UE Literacy (NCEA Level 2 or above; 10 credits with 5 credits each in reading and writing)
* UE Numeracy (NCEA Level 1 or above; 10 credits)
* A relevant qualification at Level 3 on the NZQF or above and the equivalent of UE Literacy and Numeracy
* New Zealand Certificate in Information Technology Essentials
(Level 4)
* A New Zealand or overseas qualification assessed to be equivalent to the above by the Programme Director
* Passes in other certificate/diploma qualifications or courses as considered appropriate by the Programme Director.

Applicants who do not meet the above criteria may be eligible for admission with the approval of the Programme Director.

International applicants must have necessary English language proficiency, equivalent to NCEA Level 3. This can be demonstrated through evidence as described in NZQF Rules 18.2 to 18.4.
Education Organisation Whitecliffe Education Limited
Developed By Whitecliffe Education Limited
Quality Assured By New Zealand Qualifications Authority
Number 4120
Status Current
Created September 2019
Next Review July 2026
The Bachelor of Applied IT degree programme covers basic and advanced concepts of networking, security, software and web development, project management and design thinking.

Qualification Title

The qualification title names the overall focus of the qualification.

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Te Reo Maori Title

Listed under Te Reo Maori title with English equivalent.

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Matauranga Maori Qualification

A qualification quality assured and approved through the Te Hono o Te Kahurangi quality assurance approach.

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Qualification Type

There are different types of qualifications including certificate, diploma, degree and post-graduate certificates and diplomas. Qualification types relate to NZQF levels.

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The NZQF has ten levels. Level one is least complex and is often entry-level, for example foundation certificates. Levels eight to ten are the most complex, and include post-graduate study.

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The credit value relates to the size of the qualification. One credit equates to ten hours of learning. One year's full-time study at a provider is usually 120 credits, but if you are studying part-time or in the work place the credit value may vary.

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Subject Area

All qualifications are grouped into subject areas on the New Zealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCED). The subject area is a keyword and can be used when searching for qualifications in an area of interest.

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Strategic Purpose Statement

Strategic purpose statement explains the reason why the qualification has been developed. It identifies the target learners and for what roles the qualification prepares them.

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Graduate profile

The Graduate profile explains the skills, knowledge and attributes a graduate will have attained on achieving the qualification. It describes what they can know and do and be.

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Education pathways

Education pathways include other qualifications you can enrol into after completing this qualification.

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Employment pathways

Employment pathways include the kinds of careers you can develop with this qualification.

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Next Review

This is the date the qualification will expire and be reviewed or discontinued.

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Last Date For Entry

The last date a learner can be enrolled in a programme leading to this qualification.

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Entry Requirements

The level of education or training you need to have achieved before an education organisation will consider enrolling you for it or arranging the training. Each organisation may also have entry requirements for the programmes they run.

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Education Organisation

This is the organisation that can help you achieve the qualification.

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Developed By

Qualifications are developed by education organisations. These include standard setting bodies, like industry training organisations, and tertiary providers, such as universities, polytechnics and private training establishments.

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Quality Assured By

All qualifications on the NZQF have been checked by the quality assurance bodies of NZQA, ITP Quality or NZVCC to ensure qualifications have meaningful outcomes.

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All qualifications have a unique number.

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The status shows if a qualification is current, expiring or discontinued. Only current qualifications have programmes at education organisations that are open to new enrolments.

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This is the date the qualification was listed on the NZQF.

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Last Reviewed

Last date the qualification was formally reviewed.

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Information on how a qualification is structured.

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This is the date the qualification was discontinued and no longer available.

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