Education Organisations details - Major Oak Safety Training Limited (Paeroa)

Education Organisations details - Major Oak Safety Training Limited (Paeroa)

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This organisation may not be currently delivering all of the programmes/training schemes listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Programme accreditations and approved Training Schemes

Introduction to Cranes and Load Lifting (Micro-credential) (levels 3-3)
Load Slinging and Lift Communications (Dogman Duties) (Micro credential) (levels 3-3)
Overhead Gantry Crane Operator (Pendant / Radio remote) (Micro-credential) (levels 3-3)
Self-Erecting Tower Crane Operator (Micro-Credential) (levels 3-3)
Truck Loader Crane Operator (Micro-credential) (levels 3-3)
Visual Inspection And Proof Loading Of Rigging/Lifting Equipment (Micro-credential) (levels 4-4)

Mātauranga Māori Quality Assurance mark.

This programme has been approved and awarded the Mātauranga Māori Quality Assurance Mark under Mātauranga Māori EQA.

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