Education Organisations details - Queenstown Resort College Limited (QRC) (Queenstown)

Education Organisations details - Queenstown Resort College Limited (QRC) (Queenstown)

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This organisation may not be currently delivering all of the programmes/training schemes listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Degree accreditations

Programme accreditations and approved Training Schemes

Barista Knowledge, Skills and Service Training Scheme(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Certificate in Cloud Fundamentals (Micro-credential) (levels 5-5)
Certificate in Computing Fundamentals (Micro-credential) (levels 5-5)
Certificate in Cookery (Level 3) (level 3)
Certificate in Cookery (Level 4) (level 4)
Certificate in Data Analytics Fundamentals (Micro-credential) (levels 5-5)
Certificate in Machine Learning Fundamentals (Level 5) (Micro-credential) (levels 5-5)
Certificate in Practical Cloud Cybersecurity (Micro-credential) (levels 5-5)
Certificate in Responsible AI (Level 5) (Micro-credential) (levels 5-5)
Cultural Capability for the Services Sector - Connecting With Te Ao Maori (Micro-credential) (levels 3-3)
Foundation Studies Certificate (level 3) - University of Otago
Introduction to Craft Beer & Cider Tasting (Micro-credential) (levels 3-3)
Introduction to Wine Tasting (Micro-credential) (levels 3-3)
Leveraging Generative AI for Organisational Effectiveness (Micro-credential) (levels 4-4)
Machine Learning Team Project (Level 5) (Micro-credential) (levels 5-5)
Planning for Resilience to support the Services Sector (Micro-credential) (levels 3-3)
Prompt Engineering for Dashboard Reporting (Micro-credential) (levels 5-5)
QRC Certificate in Hospitality Service (Level 4) (level 4)
QRC Certificate in Leadership and Performance (Level 4) (level 4)
QRC Certificate in Tourism Operations (Level 4) (level 4)
QRC Diploma in Adventure Tourism Management (Level 6) (level 6)
QRC Diploma in Hospitality Management (Level 6) (level 6)
Responsible Gambling and Harm Minimisation Management (Micro-credential) (levels 4-4)
Supporting Dietary Diversity for the Hospitality Sector (Micro-credential) (levels 3-3)
Wellbeing Strategies to support the Services Sector (Micro-credential) (levels 3-3)

Mātauranga Māori Quality Assurance mark.

This programme has been approved and awarded the Mātauranga Māori Quality Assurance Mark under Mātauranga Māori EQA.

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