Education Organisations details - Kalandra Education Group Limited (Manukau)

Education Organisations details - Kalandra Education Group Limited (Manukau)

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This organisation may not be currently delivering all of the programmes/training schemes listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Programme accreditations and approved Training Schemes

Certificate in Care of the Vulnerable Adult (Level 4) (Training Scheme)(Training Scheme) (level 4)
Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 4) with strands in Community Care Support, Palliative Care, Dementia Care, Mental Health Support, and Diversional Therapy (level 4)
Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 4) with strands in Palliative Care Support and Dementia Care Support (level 4)
Certificate in Health Assistance (Level 3) with strands in Palliative Care, Physical Disability Support, Intellectual Disability Support, Community Care, and Mental Health Support (level 3)
Certificate in Management of the Dementia Client in a Care Facility (Level 4)(Training Scheme) (level 4)
Certificate in Palliative Support (Level 4)(Training Scheme) (level 4)
Certificate in Rehabilitation (Chronic Illness) (Level 4) (level 4)
Certificate in Rehabilitation Support for Chronic Illness (Level 4) (level 4)
Diploma in Dementia Care (Work-Integrated or Practicum-based) (Level 5) (level 5)
Diploma in Diversional and Recreational Therapy (level 5)
Diploma in Embalming (Level 5) (level 5)
Diploma in Mental Health Support (level 5)
Diploma in Palliative Care (level 5)
New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 2). (level 2)

Mātauranga Māori Quality Assurance mark.

This programme has been approved and awarded the Mātauranga Māori Quality Assurance Mark under Mātauranga Māori EQA.

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