Education Organisations details - Te Runanga-o-Turanganui-a-Kiwa (Gisborne)

Education Organisations details - Te Runanga-o-Turanganui-a-Kiwa (Gisborne)

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This organisation may not be currently delivering all of the programmes/training schemes listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Programme accreditations and approved Training Schemes

Core Construction of Forestry Roads (Micro-Credential) (levels 3-3) - Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council
Forestry Deadman Installation (Micro-credential) (levels 3-3) - Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council
Forestry Earthworks Plant Operation (Micro-Credential) (levels 3-3) - Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council
Forestry River Crossing Construction (Micro-credential) (levels 3-3) - Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council
Forestry Road Pavement (Micro-Credential) (levels 3-3) - Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council
Geotextile Installation in Forestry Infrastructure (micro-credential) (levels 3-3) - Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council
Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Forestry Roads (Micro-Credential) (levels 3-3) - Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council
New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Farming Systems) (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Level 4) (Breeding Livestock Farming) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Livestock Husbandry) (Meat and Fibre) Level 3 (level 3) *
New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Pastoral Livestock Production) Level 3 (level 3) *
New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture with Meat and Fibre Strand (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Building, Construction, and Allied Trades Skills (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Forest Harvesting Operations with Strands (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Forest Industry Foundation Skills (level 2)
New Zealand Certificate in Forestry Operations (Level 3) with strands in Basic Machine Operations, Mensuration, Production Thinning, Planting, Pruning, and Thin to Waste (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Skills (Level 1) Te Whakato i te Kakano (level 1)
New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Plant Operations (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Works (level 2)
New Zealand Certificate in Manaaki Marae Te Kauta, Te Wharekai (Kaupae 2) (level 2) *
New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor Experiences (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Pest Management with strands in Pest Animal, and Pest Plant (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Pest Operations (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Operational Skills (Level 3) with optional strands in Specialist Equipment, and Infrastructure (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Skills (Level 2) with contexts in Pastoral Farming, Horticulture and Apiculture (level 2)
New Zealand Certificate in Tourism (Introductory Skills) (level 2) *
New Zealand Certificates in Building, Construction and Allied Trades Skills (Levels 1 and 2) (level 2)
Te Pihinga i te Kakano (level 2) *
Te Pokaitahi Reo (Rumaki, Reo Rua) Kaupae 3 (level 3) *
Te Pou Tikanga Whakangungu Kaupae 3 (level 3) *
Tohu Tapoi Maori o Aotearoa (level 3) *
Whakatiputanga Ngahere - Diploma in Forest Management (L6) (level 6) *

Matauranga Maori Quality Assurance mark.

This programme has been approved and awarded the Matauranga Maori Quality Assurance Mark under Matauranga Maori EQA.

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