Organisations >> NZQA - Te Kura Taumata o Panguru

Organisations >> NZQA - Te Kura Taumata o Panguru

Contact Details

Contact Mrs Mina Pomare-Peita
Address 2178 West Coast Road
RD 2
Kohukohu 0492
Phone 0064 9 409 5701
Fax 0064 9 409 5703
Education Organisation number 10
Education Organisation location 1

Consent to Assess

The organisation has consent to assess against these standards and groups of standards (i.e. Standards, Fields, Subfields & Domains)

Managing National Assessment

Latest Managing National Assessment (MNA) report

What is an MNA report?

PDF (164 Kb)

Statutory Actions

For more information on statutory actions on any education organisation click here.

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