Organisations >> NZQA - Funeral Service Training Trust of New Zealand

Organisations >> NZQA - Funeral Service Training Trust of New Zealand

Contact Details

Contact Fiona Gillespie
Address PO Box 10 872
The Terrace
Wellington 6143
Phone 0064 4 385 9503
Fax 0064 4 385 9504
Education Organisation number 8131
Education Organisation location 1


This organisation can assist in gaining these qualifications.

Consent to Assess

The organisation has consent to assess against these standards and groups of standards (i.e. Standards, Fields, Subfields & Domains)

Statutory Actions

For more information on statutory actions on any education organisation click here.

Disclaimer: conditions of use.
The details shown are for the head office of the Education Organisation; the location may differ from the one that you originally selected. Refer to the preceding information for all the delivery sites for this organisation.