Education Organisation's details

Education Organisation's details

Auckland International Pilot Academy Limited (North Shore City)

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This organisation may not be currently assessing standards in all areas of the DAS that are listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered and assessed, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Domain consents to assess

Aircraft Operation (to level 6)

Aviation - Core (to level 4)

Standard consents to assess

Aeronautical Engineering Planning

20909 Demonstrate knowledge of aircraft Maintenance Programmes (level 4) View details »

20906 Demonstrate knowledge of CAA Rules relating to the maintenance control and certification of aircraft (level 4) View details »

20908 Demonstrate knowledge of the role of personnel involved in aircraft maintenance (level 4) View details »

21144 Describe the primary requirements for hiring and cross leasing aircraft in relation to CAA Rules (level 4) View details »

20910 Explain the minimum equipment requirements for aircraft operation (level 4) View details »

20907 Produce a maintenance control system for an aircraft fleet (level 5) View details »