Education Organisations in Waikato - Describe wastewater oxidation pond treatment processes, and management of critical points

Education Organisations in Waikato - Describe wastewater oxidation pond treatment processes, and management of critical points

There are 4 Education Organisations in Waikato region with consent to assess for the standard Describe wastewater oxidation pond treatment processes, and management of critical points

Name Location Consent to assess for
Otago Polytechnic Hamilton Water Industry (to level 6) View details »
Te Pukenga - BCITO, Connexis, Competenz, ServiceIQ, MITO, Careerforce, Primary ITO, HITO, EarnLearn Hamilton Wastewater Treatment (to level 5) View details »
Te Pukenga - EarnLearn Tauranga Wastewater Treatment (to level 5) View details »
Te Pukenga - Primary ITO Hamilton Wastewater Treatment (to level 5) View details »