Education Organisation's details

Education Organisation's details

Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoors Education Trust (Turangi)

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This organisation may not be currently assessing standards in all areas of the DAS that are listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered and assessed, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Sub-field consents to assess

Domain consents to assess

Standard consents to assess

Aircraft Operation

423 Work with helicopters (level 3) View details »

Alpine Resort Operations

29487 Demonstrate knowledge of safe working procedures and practices in an alpine resort operation (level 3) View details »

29489 Demonstrate knowledge of the features, operations and contribution of an alpine resort (level 3) View details »


21740 Demonstrate use of avalanche transceivers, shovels, and probes (level 2) View details »

Canoeing - Kayaking

19428 Demonstrate sea kayaking skills on coastal water (level 3) View details »

Civil Defence Operation

528 Demonstrate survival techniques for a Civil Defence emergency (level 2) View details »

Community Support Services

27833 Support people to use assistive equipment and move in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

Delivery of Adult Education and Training

7114 Coach adult learner(s) (level 5) View details »

7110 Evaluate and improve own professional knowledge and practice in adult education (level 5) View details »

First Aid

6400 Manage first aid in an emergency situation (level 3) View details »

6401 Provide first aid (level 2) View details »

Health Education

91236 Evaluate factors that influence people's ability to manage change (level 2) View details »

Outdoor Equipment

4573 Communicate in the outdoors using two-way radio (level 2) View details »

Project Management

21336 Lead a team to achieve a project outcome (level 5) View details »

30362 Lead aspects of a project(s) under broad guidance (level 4) View details »

Recreation and Sport - Core Skills

29848 Demonstrate knowledge of the health and safety procedures and practices in a recreation workplace (level 3) View details »

Retail - Technical Skills

26556 Demonstrate knowledge of child restraints to provide advice for installation, rental or sale (level 3) View details »

Retail and Distribution Core Skills

12003 Demonstrate knowledge of buying processes in a retail or distribution environment (level 3) View details »


9695 Examine problem-solving models and apply a problem-solving model to a problem of some complexity (level 3) View details »

7127 Make an informed choice in deciding on a major goods or service purchase (level 3) View details »

9696 Solve a complex problem using a problem-solving model (level 4) View details »

Service Delivery

376 Employ customer service techniques to accommodate customer behavioural styles in a workplace (level 3) View details »

378 Provide customer service for international visitors (level 3) View details »

Skiing and Snowboarding

4591 Demonstrate intermediate skiing skills on blue terrain at a snowsport area (level 2) View details »

4597 Demonstrate intermediate snowboard skills on blue terrain at a snowsport area (level 2) View details »

Snowsport Area Operations

30836 Demonstrate competent skiing or snowboarding, and tobogganing skills for snowsport patrol purposes (level 4) View details »

Social and Cooperative Skills

12356 Demonstrate knowledge of consumer problems and ways to resolve them (level 3) View details »