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Your search found 4 Achievement Standards under the following subjects:

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91932 Geography Demonstrate understanding of the spatial distribution of a phenomenon and its impacts on place 5 credits Internal
This standard is internally assessed. See website
91933 Geography Explore an environment using data 5 credits Internal
This standard is internally assessed. See website
91934 Geography Demonstrate understanding of how natural processes shape an environment 5 credits External
Sample assessment 2024 (171KB)
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91935 Geography Demonstrate understanding of decision-making in response to a geographic challenge in the wider Pacific region 5 credits External
Examination paper 2023 (501KB)
Resource booklet 2023 (438KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Excellence (1218KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Merit (1260KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Achievement (1205KB)
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