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Search results

Your search found 8 Unit Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Transportation of Waste and Recoverable Resources

17189 Operate a front end loader vehicle for transportation of waste 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (126KB) (112KB)
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17190 Operate a gantry vehicle for transportation of waste 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (128KB) (111KB)
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17191 Operate a hookload vehicle for transportation of waste 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (127KB) (114KB)
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17192 Operate a low entry vehicle for transportation of waste 15 credits Internal
Unit standard (126KB) (112KB)
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17193 Operate a rearload vehicle for transportation of waste 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (125KB) (110KB)
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17194 Operate a sideloader vehicle for transportation of waste 15 credits Internal
Unit standard (126KB) (111KB)
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17199 Transfer a waste container to and from a hookload vehicle and trailer 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (121KB) (109KB)
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17231 Operate a liquid waste vacuum tanker 9 credits Internal
Unit standard (128KB) (114KB)
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