Qualification Overview

Qualification Title Master of Applied Technologies
Qualification Type Masters Degree
Level 9
Credits 180
Subject Area
  • Information Technology » Information Systems » Information Systems not elsewhere classified
Strategic Purpose Statement
The purpose of this qualification is to provide Aotearoa New Zealand with people who: Apply advanced technical and theoretical knowledge to analyse real-world complex problems. Are able to create a range of effective digital solutions inside chosen fields (such as data analytics or cyber security) and provide insightful interpretations of solution outputs. Embody the skills, knowledge and attributes of a specialist contributing to the chosen applied profession, including ethical conduct. Have direct impact on performance of digital solutions to enhance output in the real-world scenario, through project based learning, and managing their own and others' learning. Independently research, develop and apply highly specialised new skills to emerging problems Have critical awareness of the issues in the field of practice enhance career progression/professional development, as well as contributing to the chosen special field, e.g. data analytics/cyber security
Graduate profile
Graduates of the Master of Applied Technologies will be able to: Core: * Apply advanced knowledge of applied technologies relevant to a specialist field to existing or emerging situations * Design and implement applied research independently and collaboratively to solve real-world ICT problems * Apply cross-cultural communication skills and multi-cultural inclusivity in the ICT professional practice; * Evaluate changing and disruptive ICT environments with critical thinking and interdisciplinary strategies; * Analyse and innovate own professional practice in the ICT industry; * Apply highly specialised knowledge and skills to independently research and implement an applied technologies projectDependent on specialisation, graduates will also be able to: Data Analytics * Evaluate and apply different types of datasets and information for key decision making in different domain application. * Apply data analytics tools to identify and solve issues in data-driven projects Cyber Security * Analyse complex cyber security attacks and apply appropriate security mechanisms to protect organisation assets * Assess potential internal and external cyber security threats and develop appropriate protective strategies in cyber security projects
Education pathways
Educational pathways include but are not limited to:
From Postgraduate Certificate: Postgraduate Diploma
From Postgraduate Diploma: Master of Computer Science, Master of Commerce (Information Science or Information Systems), MPhil, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Professional Practice, Master of Applied Technology
From Master of Applied Technology: Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Professional Practice
Employment pathways
The contents of the Master of Applied Technologies map the emerging industry trend of merging cross-discipline project orientation to better support an organization's functioning units. This serves to successfully develop and implement strategies toward sustaining operational growth and therefore a competitive advantage.
Students who successfully complete the MAT will hold a recognized post graduate degree in Applied Technologies that provides potential employment opportunities in any of the below industry sectors:
* Insurance
* Risk management
* Operation management
* Medical and healthcare
* Financial services
* Engineering
* Banking
* Retail
* Digital Marketing
* Information Technology
* Performance Control in Human Resource Management

Employment Opportunities in New Zealand and Worldwide
* Business Analyst
* Business Intelligence Leader
* Data Insight Analytics
* Big Data Engineer
* Marketing Analyst
* Research Analyst
* Research Manager
* Business Performance Analyst
* Business Process Engineer
* Data Analyst
* Fraud Analyst
* Risk Management Manager
* Project Manager
* Project coordinatorTo find out more about employment opportunities click on the CareersNZ logo, then the provider who offers this qualification.
Entry Requirements
Academic requirements: To be admitted to this programme an applicant must meet the following requirements: Applicants must have one of the following, or equivalent: For direct entry into the final applied research project: 1. Bachelor Honours Degree in a relevant discipline 2. Postgraduate Diploma in a relevant discipline For entry into the MAT by coursework and applied research project: 3. A recognised bachelor degree in a relevant discipline, with merit achievement, deemed to be an average grade of B or higher in all final-year courses . Candidates with a B- or better average grade may be admitted to the Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Technology, and may be allowed to continue to the applied research project upon attaining an average grade of B or better. OR a professional qualification in a relevant discipline, recognised as being equivalent to merit achievement in a bachelor degree and documentary evidence of outcomes in the discipline work environment to demonstrate an ability to perform in the programme and commit to achieving its outcomes, including recommendations from employers or professional colleagues. Interview Requirements: N/A English Language Requirements: Applicants must have sufficient competence in the English language to undertake this programme, which is taught and assessed in English. International students: English Language Entry Requirements For the minimum English language requirements refer to the requirements set out in the NZQF Programme and Accreditation Rules https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/providers-partners/qa-system-for-teos/english-international-students/ Selection Criteria: Applicants will be selected in order of successful application Exceptions to entry: An applicant may be considered for special admission if they have: * An undergraduate degree in an unrelated discipline, with merit achievement, and have a minimum of two years' appropriate work experience that is relevant to the aims of this qualification; OR * A graduate diploma qualification in the same or similar discipline, with a B grade average or better, and has a minimum of two years' appropriate work experience. A grade average of B- will allow entry to the Postgraduate Diploma, with entry to the Master's Degree upon completion with a B grade average.
Education Organisation Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Developed By Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Quality Assured By New Zealand Qualifications Authority
Number 4078
Status Current
Created November 2020
Next Review December 2025
Master of Applied Technologies - Data Analytics Strand Research Methods in Applied Technologies Data Analytics and Intelligence Data Warehousing and Big Data Database Application and Development Design Thinking and Innovation Principles of User Experience Design Advanced Data Analytics Applied Project Applied Research Project Master of Applied Technologies - Cyber Security Strand Research Methods in Applied Technologies Cyber Security Concepts and Practice Cryptography and Information Security Cyber Law Design Thinking and Innovation Principles of User Experience Design Cyber Security Business and Data Applied Project Applied Research Project

Qualification Title

The qualification title names the overall focus of the qualification.

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Te Reo Maori Title

Listed under Te Reo Maori title with English equivalent.

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Matauranga Maori Qualification

A qualification quality assured and approved through the Te Hono o Te Kahurangi quality assurance approach.

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Qualification Type

There are different types of qualifications including certificate, diploma, degree and post-graduate certificates and diplomas. Qualification types relate to NZQF levels.

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The NZQF has ten levels. Level one is least complex and is often entry-level, for example foundation certificates. Levels eight to ten are the most complex, and include post-graduate study.

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The credit value relates to the size of the qualification. One credit equates to ten hours of learning. One year's full-time study at a provider is usually 120 credits, but if you are studying part-time or in the work place the credit value may vary.

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Subject Area

All qualifications are grouped into subject areas on the New Zealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCED). The subject area is a keyword and can be used when searching for qualifications in an area of interest.

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Strategic Purpose Statement

Strategic purpose statement explains the reason why the qualification has been developed. It identifies the target learners and for what roles the qualification prepares them.

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Graduate profile

The Graduate profile explains the skills, knowledge and attributes a graduate will have attained on achieving the qualification. It describes what they can know and do and be.

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Education pathways

Education pathways include other qualifications you can enrol into after completing this qualification.

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Employment pathways

Employment pathways include the kinds of careers you can develop with this qualification.

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Next Review

This is the date the qualification will expire and be reviewed or discontinued.

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Last Date For Entry

The last date a learner can be enrolled in a programme leading to this qualification.

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Entry Requirements

The level of education or training you need to have achieved before an education organisation will consider enrolling you for it or arranging the training. Each organisation may also have entry requirements for the programmes they run.

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Education Organisation

This is the organisation that can help you achieve the qualification.

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Developed By

Qualifications are developed by education organisations. These include standard setting bodies, like industry training organisations, and tertiary providers, such as universities, polytechnics and private training establishments.

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Quality Assured By

All qualifications on the NZQF have been checked by the quality assurance bodies of NZQA, ITP Quality or NZVCC to ensure qualifications have meaningful outcomes.

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All qualifications have a unique number.

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The status shows if a qualification is current, expiring or discontinued. Only current qualifications have programmes at education organisations that are open to new enrolments.

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This is the date the qualification was listed on the NZQF.

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Last Reviewed

Last date the qualification was formally reviewed.

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Information on how a qualification is structured.

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This is the date the qualification was discontinued and no longer available.

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