Education Organisations details - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (Lower Hutt)

Education Organisations details - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (Lower Hutt)

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This organisation may not be currently delivering all of the programmes/training schemes listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Degree accreditations

B/A Info. & Library Studies, & Communication Double Major

Bachelor of Applied Management (level 7)

Bachelor of Applied Science (level 7)

Bachelor of Business (level 7)

Bachelor of Engineering Technology (level 7)

Bachelor of Engineering Technology (level 7) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Bachelor of Information Technology (level 7)

Bachelor of Library and Information Studies (level 7)

Bachelor of Social Health and Wellbeing with Majors in Mental Health and Addictions, and Disability (level 7)

Bachelor of Social Work (level 7)

Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) (level 7)

Bachelor of Teaching (ECE) (levels 7-7)

Bachelor of Teaching (Primary Education) (level 7)

Graduate Certificate in Addiction Intervention (level 7)

Graduate Certificate in Information Technology (level 7)

Graduate Certificate in Library and Information Leadership (level 7)

Graduate Certificate in Marketing (Level 7) (levels 7-7)

Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Management (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Business (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Disability Sector Leadership (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (levels 7-7)

Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Library and Information Leadership (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Marketing (Level 7) (levels 7-7)

Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Sector Leadership (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Strategic Management (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Management (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood Education) (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Primary Education) (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary Education) (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary Technology Education) (level 7)

Programme accreditations and approved Training Schemes

Achievement Award in Sterilising Practice (level 3)
Certificate of Achievement in Fundamentals of Mathematics(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Certificate of Achievement in Small Business Basics (Level 4) (Training Scheme)(Training Scheme) (level 4)
Certificate of Achievement in Tertiary Study Skills (Training Scheme)(Training Scheme) (level 4)
Communication for Learning (Level 3)(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Graduate Certificate in Business (level 7)
New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching (level 5)
New Zealand Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education (Vocational/Workplace) (level 5)
New Zealand Certificate in Assessment Practice (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Business (Accounting Support Services)(Level 4) (level 4) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Business (Administration and Technology) (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Business (First Line Management) (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Business (Introduction to Small Business) (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Business (Introduction to Team Leadership) (Level 3) (level 3) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Business (Small Business) (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Computing (Foundation User) (Level 2) (level 2)
New Zealand Certificate in Computing (Intermediate User) (Level 3) (level 3) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Digital Media and Design (Level 4) (level 4) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Education Support (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Exercise (L4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Exercise (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Certificate in Financial Services (Level 5) with strands in Investment; Life, Disability, and Health Insurance; General Insurance; Residential Property Lending (level 5)
New Zealand Certificate in Floristry (Level 2) (level 2)
New Zealand Certificate in Floristry (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Skills (Level 1) (level 1)
New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Skills (Level 2) (level 2)
New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Advanced Care and Support) (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 3) with strands in Healthcare Assistance, and Support Work (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Social and Community Services) (Level 4) with strands in Disability Support, Mental Health and Addiction Support, and Whanau, Community and Social Services (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture (General) (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Information Technology (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Certificate in Information Technology Essentials (Level 4) (level 4) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Interior D?cor (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Library and Information Services for Children and Teens (Level 6) (level 6)
New Zealand Certificate in Organic Primary Production (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Pharmacy (Pharmacy Technician - Advanced) (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Skills (Level 2) (level 2)
New Zealand Certificate in Project Management (Level 4) (level 4) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Real Estate (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Certificate in Real Estate (Level 6) (level 6)
New Zealand Certificate in Real Estate (Salesperson) (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Sterilising Technology (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Diploma in Architectural Technology (level 6)
New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 5) with strands in Accounting, Administration and Technology, Human Resource Management, Leadership and Management, Marketing and Sales, and Project Management (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Construction (Level 6) with strands in Construction Management and Quantity Surveying (level 6)
New Zealand Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Level 6) (level 6) - Vocational Engineering Education New Zealand Incorporated
New Zealand Diploma in Funeral Directing (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Legal Executive Studies (Level 6) (level 6)
New Zealand Diploma in Library and Information Studies (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Psychology (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Records and Information Management (Level 6) (level 6)
New Zealand Diploma in Web Development and Design (Level 5) (level 5)
Te Pokaitahi Reo (Reo Rua) (Te Kaupae 1) (levels 1-1) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology *
Teaching as a Profession (Level 7) (Training Scheme)(Training Scheme) (level 7)
Teaching Practice (Level 7)(Training Scheme) (level 7)
The New Zealand Certificate in Pharmacy (Introduction to Pharmacy Practice) (Level 3) (level 3)
The New Zealand Certificate in Pharmacy (Pharmacy Technician - Core) (Level 4) (level 4)
Using Standards to Assess Candidate Performance (Level 4)(Training Scheme) (level 4)

Matauranga Maori Quality Assurance mark.

This programme has been approved and awarded the Matauranga Maori Quality Assurance Mark under Matauranga Maori EQA.

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