Education Organisations details - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (Tauranga)

Education Organisations details - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (Tauranga)

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This organisation may not be currently delivering all of the programmes/training schemes listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Degree accreditations

Bachelor of Applied Hospitality and Tourism Management (level 7)

Bachelor of Applied Information Technology (Level 7) (level 7)

Bachelor of Applied Management (Business Management) (Human Resource Management) (Marketing) (Accounting) (Finance) (Level 7) (level 7)

Bachelor of Creative Industries (Fashion Design, Graphic Design, Visual Art) (level 7)

Bachelor of Culinary Arts (level 7) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Bachelor of Nursing - Te Tohu Paetahi Tapuhi (level 7)

Bachelor of Social Work - Te Tohu Paetahi Tu Tangata (level 7)

Bachelor of Teaching Early Childhood Education: Te Tohu Paetahi Whakaako Kohungahunga (levels 7-7)

Graduate Certificate in Infection Risk Management (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Health and Rehabilitation Studies (Level 7) (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Infection Risk Management (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Mentoring and Professional Leadership (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in New Zealand Immigration Advice (level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Tourism Innovation (level 7)

Master of Applied Professional Studies (Adult Teaching) (level 9)

Master of Applied Professional Studies (Infection Prevention and Control) (level 9)

Master of Applied Professional Studies (Mentoring and Leadership) (level 9)

Master of Applied Professional Studies (Vulnerable Peoples) (level 9)

Master of Management (with/without endorsement in Business, Health, Hospitality or Information Technology) Te Tohu Paerua Mani Whakahaere (Pakihi, Hauora, Manaaki, Parongo, me whakaputa tohu, kaore ranei) (level 9)

Master of Teaching Early Childhood Education: Tohu Paerua o te Whakaako i te Matauranga Kohungahunga (level 9)

Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Professional Studies (Adult Teaching) (level 8)

Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Professional Studies (Infection Prevention and Control) (level 8)

Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Professional Studies (Mentoring and Leadership) (levels 8-8)

Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Professional Studies (Vulnerable Peoples) (levels 8-8)

Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Professional Studies (Adult Teaching) (level 8)

Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Professional Studies (Infection Prevention and Control) (level 8)

Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Professional Studies (Mentoring and Leadership) (level 8)

Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Professional Studies (Vulnerable Peoples) (level 8)

Postgraduate Diploma in Management (Business) (Health) (Hospitality) (Information Technology) Te Pokairua Taura Mahi Whakahaere(Pakihi) (Hauora) (Manaakitanga) (Hangarau Parongo) (level 8)

Te Tohu Paetahi Whakaako Kohungahunga: Bachelor of Teaching Early Childhood Education (levels 7-7)

Tohu Paerua o te Whakaako i te Matauranga Kohungahunga: Master of Teaching Early Childhood Education (level 9)

Programme accreditations and approved Training Schemes

3D Printing Pathway(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Applied Solid Wood Manufacturing (Level 4) (level 4)
Building and Construction Skills(Training Scheme) (level 2)
CAD for Architectural Drawing 1(Training Scheme) (level 3)
CAD for Architectural Drawing 2(Training Scheme) (level 4)
Cert 4 Fitness (Level 4) (level 4)
Cervical Screening Training Scheme (Level 6)(Training Scheme) (level 6)
Class 2 Driver Licence Level 3(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Class 4 Driver Licence Level 3(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Class 5 Driver Licence Level 4(Training Scheme) (level 4)
Community Garden Skills (Level 2)(Training Scheme) (level 2)
Culinary Arts (level 4) (level 4)
Culinary Arts (level 5) (level 5)
Driver Proficiency Training (Class 1) (Class 2) (Class 4) (Class 5) (Loading/Unloading) (Level 3)(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Electrical Appliance Service Person (endorsed to disconnect and connect)(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Electrical Inspector(Training Scheme) (level 5)
Electrical Practical Skills(Training Scheme) (level 4)
Electrical Safety Competence Programme(Training Scheme) (level 4)
Electrical Service Technician (level 4)
Electrical Services Technician(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Electrician Regulations Refresher(Training Scheme) (level 4)
Electrician Theory Refresher(Training Scheme) (level 4)
Engineering CAD 1(Training Scheme) (level 1)
Engineering CAD 2 (Level 4)(Training Scheme) (level 4)
Engineering Fabrication and Machining Skills(Training Scheme) (level 2)
Engineering Mathematics(Training Scheme) (level 4)
Exercise and Sports Coaching(Training Scheme) (level 2)
Facilitated Learning - Nursing Practice Training Scheme (Level 7) (Training Scheme) (level 7)
Fashion Pathways (Pattern Making)(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Food and Beverage Service (level 3)
Food Hygiene for Food Handlers(Training Scheme) (level 2)
Forklift (Operator) / (Refresher) Training Scheme(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Fruit Production for Profit (Level 5)(Training Scheme) (level 5)
Game Asset Creation (Level 3)(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Games Design (Level 3)(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Games Development (Level 3)(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Garment Construction Pathways(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Gerontology Nursing Practice Training Scheme (Level 7)(Training Scheme) (level 7)
IELTS Preparation(Training Scheme) (level 4)
Introduction to Applied Horticulture (Level 3) (level 3)
Introduction to Barbering 3 (Level 3) Training Scheme(Training Scheme) (level 3) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Introduction to Barbering I (Level 2) Training Scheme(Training Scheme) (level 2) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Introduction to Barbering II (Level 2) Training Scheme(Training Scheme) (level 2) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Introduction to Infrastructure Training Scheme (Level 3)(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Introduction to Nail Technology(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Introduction to the New Zealand Forestry Sector (Micro-credential) (levels 5-5)
Introductory Chainsaw Skills Training Scheme(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Manu-Taiko - Toro Parirau, New Zealand Certificate in Maori Governance (level 4) *
Marine Engineer Class 6(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Maritime Restricted Operators Certificate(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Mechanical Engineering Skills(Training Scheme) (level 2)
Mental Health and Addictions - Nursing Practice Training Scheme (Level 7)(Training Scheme) (level 7)
New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education (Vocational/Workplace) (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Farming Systems) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Animal Technology (level 5) strand in Veterinary Nursing Assistant (level 5)
New Zealand Certificate in Apiculture (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Arts and Design (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Electrical Engineering (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Baking (Generalist) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Business (Administration and Technology) (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Business (First Line Management) (Level 4) (level 4) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Business (Introduction to Team Leadership) (level 3) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Carpentry (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Collision Repair and Automotive Refinishing (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Commercial Barbering (Level 4) (level 4) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Commercial Road Transport (Heavy Vehicle Operator) (Level 3) (levels 3-3)
New Zealand Certificate in Commercial Road Transport (Operations Management) (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Certificate in Computing (Foundation User) (Level 2) (level 2) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Computing (Intermediate User) (Level 3) (level 3) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Conservation (Operations) (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Construction Trade Skills (Level 3) with strands in Allied Trades and Carpentry (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Distribution (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Diving (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Domestic Maritime Crewing (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Education Support (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Electrical Pre-Trade (Level 3) (level 3) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Engineering Fabrication (Level 4) with strands in Heavy Fabrication and Light Fabrication (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in English Language (level 2)
New Zealand Certificate in English Language (Academic) (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in English Language (Applied) (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in English Language (General) (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in English Language (General) (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Exercise (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Fishing Vessel Crewing (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Forest Harvesting Operations (Level 3) (level 3) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Forest Harvesting Operations (Level 4) (level 4) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Forest Industry Foundation Skills (Level 2) (level 2) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Forestry Operations (Level 3) (level 3) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Skills (Level 2) (level 2)
New Zealand Certificate in Freestyle Group Exercise (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Advanced Care & Support) Level 4 (level 4) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 3) Health Assistance strand (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Heavy Automotive Engineering (with strands in Road Transport, and Plant and Equipment) (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture (General) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture (Level 3) Fruit Production Strand (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture Production (Level 4) Fruit Production strand (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Information Technology (level 5)
New Zealand Certificate in Information Technology Essentials (Level 4) (level 4) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Light Automotive Engineering (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Makeup and Skin Care (Introduction) (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Maritime Crewing (Level 2) (level 2)
New Zealand Certificate in Mechanical Engineering (Trade) (Level 4) with strands in Fitting and Machining and General Engineering (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Music (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Organic Primary Production (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor and Adventure Education (Multi-skilled) (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor Experiences (Level 3) (level 3) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Operational Skills (Level 3) with optional strands in Specialist Equipment, and Infrastructure (level 3) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Skills (level 2)
New Zealand Certificate in Project Management (Level 4) (level 4) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Retail (Level 4) (level 4) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Certificate in Saw Doctoring (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Skills for Living for Supported Learners (Level 1) (level 1)
New Zealand Certificate in Solid Wood Manufacturing (Laminating Strand) (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Solid Wood Manufacturing (Level 3), Finger Jointing, Saw Doctoring, Timber Grading and Optimising, and Timber Machining strands (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Spa Therapy (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Certificate in Sterilising Technology (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Study and Employment Pathways (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Study and Employment Pathways (Level 4) Te Ara Kuiti (Kaupae 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Supply Chain Management (level 5)
New Zealand Certificate in Tourism (Level 3), Tourism and Travel strand (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Workplace Health and Safety Practice (Level 3) (level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Workplace Health and Safety Practice (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Youth Work (Level 4) (level 4)
New Zealand Diploma in Baking (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Beauty Therapy (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 5) (level 5) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (L5) (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Level 6) (level 6) - Vocational Engineering Education New Zealand Incorporated
New Zealand Diploma in Enrolled Nursing (level 5) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Diploma in Environmental Management (Level 5) with strands in Marine, and Terrestrial (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Environmental Management with strands in Marine and Terrestrial (Level 6) (level 6)
New Zealand Diploma in Forest Management (level 6)
New Zealand Diploma in Health Science (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Hospitality Management (Level 6) (level 6)
New Zealand Diploma in Information Technology Technical Support (Level 5) (level 5) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Diploma in Legal Executive Studies (Level 6) (level 6)
New Zealand Diploma in Music (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Primary Industry Business Management (L5) (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Software Development (level 6)
New Zealand Diploma in Sport, Recreation and Exercise (Multi-Sector) (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Sport, Recreation and Exercise (Multi-sector) (Level 6) (level 6)
New Zealand Diploma in Sterilising Technology (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Supply Chain Management (Level 6) (level 6)
New Zealand Diploma in Web Development and Design (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma in Web Development and Design (Level 5) (level 5) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
New Zealand Diploma in Whanau Ora (Level 5) (level 5)
New Zealand Diploma of Conveyancing (Level 6) (level 6)
Nga Kete o te Wananga (Level 3)(Training Scheme) (level 3) *
Nursing Competence Assessment Programme for New Zealand (NCAP)(Training Scheme) (level 7)
NZ Immigration Adviser Refresher Course(Training Scheme) (level 7)
NZ2412 New Zealand Certificate in Hairdressing (Emerging Stylist)(Level 4) (level 4)
NZ2539 New Zealand Diploma in Hospitality Management (Level 5) (level 5)
NZ2636 New Zealand Diploma in Arts and Design (level 5) (level 5)
NZ2637 New Zealand Diploma in Arts and Design (level 6) (level 6)
Operate a Chainsaw Safety(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Operate and Maintain a Chainsaw in a Forestry Operation (Level 3)(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Photography Pathways(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Photography Portfolio (Level 3)(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Photoshop and Illustrator Pathway(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Professional Skills for the Service Sector (Customer Service and Sales Techniques) (Level 3)(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Professional Skills for the Service Sector (Destination Knowledge to Enhance the Visitor Experience) (Level 3)(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Refresher Course for New Zealand Immigration Advice(Training Scheme) (level 7)
Secondary Tertiary Exploration Programme (Level 3)(Training Scheme) (levels 3-3)
SecondaryTertiary Exploration Programme (Level 2)(Training Scheme) (levels 2-2)
Secondary-Tertiary Exploration Programme (STEP UP) (Level 1)(Training Scheme) (level 1)
Secondary-Tertiary Exploration Programme (STEP UP) (Level 2) Training Scheme(Training Scheme) (level 2)
Secondary-Tertiary Exploration Programme (STEP UP) (Level 3) Training Scheme(Training Scheme) (level 3)
STCW Basic Firefighting(Training Scheme) (level 3)
STCW Elementary First Aid(Training Scheme) (level 3)
STCW Personal Safety and Social Responsibility(Training Scheme) (level 3)
STCW Personal Survival(Training Scheme) (level 3)
STCW Security Awareness (Level 3)(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Student Exchange Training Scheme 1 (Level 5)(Training Scheme) (level 5) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Student Exchange Training Scheme 2(Training Scheme) (level 5) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Student Exchange Training Scheme 3 (Level 6)(Training Scheme) (level 6) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Student Exchange Training Scheme 4(Training Scheme) (level 6) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Student Exchange Training Scheme 5(Training Scheme) (level 5) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Student Exchange Training Scheme 6(Training Scheme) (level 6) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Study Abroad Training Scheme 1 (Level 5)(Training Scheme) (level 5) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Study Abroad Training Scheme 2(Training Scheme) (level 5) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Study Abroad Training Scheme 3 (Level 6)(Training Scheme) (level 6) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Study Abroad Training Scheme 4(Training Scheme) (level 6) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Study Abroad Training Scheme 5(Training Scheme) (level 5) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Study Abroad Training Scheme 6(Training Scheme) (level 6) - Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Te Pokaitahi Reo (Reo Rua) (Te Kaupae 3) (level 3) *
Te Pokaitahi Reo (Reo Rua) (Te Kaupae 4) (level 4) *
Te Pokaitahi Reo Maori (Reo Rua) (Kaupae 2) (level 2) *
Te Puawai(Training Scheme) (level 6)
Te Puawananga(Training Scheme) (level 3) *
The Art of Coffee and Barista Service (Level 3)(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Tikanga Hauora Training Scheme(Training Scheme) (level 2) *
TO0050 Dangerous Goods (Transportation) / (Refresher) TS(Training Scheme) (level 3)
Tools for Academic Study (level 4)(Training Scheme) (level 4)
Trades and Logistics: Trades Academy(Training Scheme) (level 2)
Welding Skills (Introductory)(Training Scheme) (levels 3-3)

Matauranga Maori Quality Assurance mark.

This programme has been approved and awarded the Matauranga Maori Quality Assurance Mark under Matauranga Maori EQA.

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