Organisations >> NZQA - Ringa Atawhai Matauranga Limited

Organisations >> NZQA - Ringa Atawhai Matauranga Limited

Trading as: Ringa Atawhai Matauranga Limited

Contact Details

Contact Robyn Aloua
Address PO Box 1064.
Whangarei 0110
Phone 0064 9 4303307
Education Organisation number 8025
Education Organisation location 1

Delivery Sites

Name Location & Number Street Address Contact Number
Ringa Atawhai Matauranga Limited Whangarei (8025/1) 131 Dent Street, Whangarei 0110 9 4303307
Ringa Atawhai Matauranga Limited Kaitaia (8025/2) 6083 SH 10, Awanui, Kaitaia, Northland 9 430 3307
Ringa Atawhai Matauranga Limited Whau Valley (8025/4) Motel Sierra, 26 Western Hills Drive, Whau Valley, Whangarei 0112 9 430 3307
Ringa Atawhai Matauranga Limited Hamilton (8025/5) 951 Wairere Drive, Hamilton East, Hamilton 3216
Ringa Atawhai Matauranga Limited Northland (8025/6) 163 Parnell Street, Rawene Hospital, Hokianga, Northland 0443 9 405 7709
Ringa Atawhai Matauranga Limited Kaitaia (8025/7) 16 Melba Street, Kaitaia 0410 800 836 726
Ringa Atawhai Matauranga Limited Auckland (8025/8) Kahui Tu Kaha and affiliate of te Iwi o Ngati Whatua, 650 Great South Road, Ellerslie, Auckland 1051 9 531 4040
Ringa Atawhai Matauranga Limited Whangarei (8025/9) Whangarei Hospital (Tohora House), 151 Maunu Road, Woodhill, Whangarei 0110 9 4303307


This organisation can assist in gaining these qualifications.

Consent to Assess

The organisation has consent to assess against these standards and groups of standards (i.e. Standards, Fields, Subfields & Domains)

Degrees, Programmes and/or Training Schemes

The organisation is approved to deliver these Degrees, Programmes and/or Training Schemes


Date first registered with NZQA 07-05-15

External Quality Assurance

External quality assurance report history

PDF 2023  (242 Kb)

PDF 2021  (229 Kb)

PDF 2016  (311 Kb)

Current status 1 Nov 2023: NZQA is Confident in the educational performance of Ringa Atawhai Matauranga Limited 1 Nov 2023: NZQA is Highly Confident in the capability in self-assessment of Ringa Atawhai Matauranga Limited
Provider Category 2

Statutory Actions

For more information on statutory actions on any education organisation click here.

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