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Duke Institute of Studies Limited (North Shore City)

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This organisation may not be currently assessing standards in all areas of the DAS that are listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered and assessed, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Standard consents to assess

English for Academic Purposes

30510 Deliver a short oral presentation in English for an academic purpose (level 3) View details »

30509 Listen to and process information about a familiar topic in a short spoken text in English for an academic purpose (level 3) View details »

22751 Read and process information in English for academic purposes (level 4) View details »

30511 Read and process information on a familiar topic in English for academic purposes (level 3) View details »

30508 Write a short crafted text using resource material in English for an academic purpose (level 3) View details »

30507 Write a short text under test conditions in English for an academic purpose (level 3) View details »

English Language

28001 Complete a form (EL) (level 2) View details »

31036 Complete basic forms with personal information (EL Foundation) (level 1) View details »

27998 Complete simple forms with personal information (EL) (level 1) View details »

30989 Demonstrate understanding of a moderately complex spoken interaction in an applied context (EL) (level 3) View details »

30988 Demonstrate understanding of a straightforward spoken interaction on a familiar topic (EL) (level 2) View details »

30980 Demonstrate understanding of a straightforward spoken text on a familiar topic (EL) (level 2) View details »

30983 Demonstrate understanding of basic spoken instructions in common everyday situations (EL Foundation) (level 1) View details »

30978 Demonstrate understanding of basic spoken texts in common everyday situations (EL Foundation) (level 1) View details »

30986 Demonstrate understanding of moderately complex spoken instructions in an applied context (EL) (level 3) View details »

30984 Demonstrate understanding of simple spoken instructions in everyday situations (EL) (level 1) View details »

30979 Demonstrate understanding of simple spoken texts in everyday situations (EL) (level 1) View details »

30985 Demonstrate understanding of straightforward spoken instructions in a familiar context (EL) (level 2) View details »

31021 Participate in a formal interview in an applied context (EL) (level 3) View details »

31015 Participate in a spoken interaction in an applied context (EL) (level 3) View details »

31014 Participate in a straightforward spoken interaction on a familiar topic (EL) (level 2) View details »

31020 Participate in an interview on a familiar topic (EL) (level 2) View details »

31013 Participate in simple everyday spoken interactions (EL) (level 1) View details »

31024 Present basic information on an everyday personal topic (EL Foundation) (level 1) View details »

31026 Present information on a familiar topic (EL) (level 2) View details »

31025 Present simple information on an everyday familiar topic (EL) (level 1) View details »

31007 Read and make connections across a range of written texts independently in an applied context (EL) (level 3) View details »

31005 Read and understand a range of simple written texts independently (EL) (level 1) View details »

31006 Read and understand a range of straightforward written texts independently (EL) (level 2) View details »

31002 Read and understand a straightforward text for a routine practical purpose (EL) (level 2) View details »

30995 Read and understand a straightforward text on a familiar topic (EL) (level 2) View details »

31003 Read and understand a text for a practical purpose in an applied context (EL) (level 3) View details »

31001 Read and understand simple texts for everyday practical purposes (EL) (level 1) View details »

30994 Read and understand simple texts in everyday contexts (EL) (level 1) View details »

31000 Read and understand very basic information for common everyday practical purposes (EL Foundation) (level 1) View details »

30993 Read and understand words and phrases in common everyday texts (EL Foundation) (level 1) View details »

28068 Write a connected text on a familiar topic (EL) (level 3) View details »

28070 Write a response for a specific purpose (EL) (level 3) View details »

27999 Write a simple connected text on a familiar topic (EL) (level 2) View details »

28000 Write a simple text for a practical purpose (EL) (level 2) View details »

31044 Write a text for a practical purpose in an applied context (EL) (level 3) View details »

31041 Write basic texts for practical purposes relevant to self (EL Foundation) (level 1) View details »

31030 Write phrases and simple sentences on personal topics (EL Foundation) (level 1) View details »

27997 Write simple texts for practical everyday purposes (EL) (level 1) View details »

27996 Write simple texts on everyday topics (EL) (level 1) View details »