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Education Organisation's details

Lines & Cables Training Limited (Hamilton)

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This organisation may not be currently assessing standards in all areas of the DAS that are listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered and assessed, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Domain consents to assess

Standard consents to assess

Electricity Supply - Distribution Networks

10550 Joint high voltage polymeric insulated power cables up to 33kV in the electricity supply industry (level 4) View details »

20063 Terminate high voltage polymeric insulated power cables up to 33kV in the electricity supply industry (level 4) View details »

Electricity Supply - Live Work

10535 Remove and install electricity network pole structures using live line hot stick up to 66kV (level 4) View details »

10531 Remove and install line hardware and equipment on structures using live line hot stick up to 66kV (level 4) View details »

10541 Remove and install pole structures using live line glove and barrier procedures up to 33kV (level 5) View details »

10540 Replace and install hardware on structures using live line glove and barrier procedures up to 33kV (level 5) View details »