Education Organisations in Taupo - Whakamahi i te mana whenua ki te taumata ?-tumu

Education Organisations in Taupo - Whakamahi i te mana whenua ki te taumata ?-tumu

There are 6 Education Organisations in Taupo region with consent to assess for the standard Whakamahi i te mana whenua ki te taumata ?-tumu

Name Location Consent to assess for
UCOL Taumarunui Reo M?ori (to level 6) View details »
UCOL Tongariro Prison Reo M?ori (to level 6) View details »
UCOL Turangi Reo M?ori (to level 6) View details »
Toi Ohomai Runanga Reo M?ori (to level 4) View details »
Toi Ohomai Taupo Reo M?ori (to level 4) View details »
Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi Hilltop Reo Tumu (to level 4) View details »