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Your search found 7 Achievement Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Earth and Space Science

91187 Earth and Space Science Carry out a practical Earth and Space Science investigation 4 credits Internal
This standard is internally assessed. See Te Kete Ipurangi website
91188 Earth and Space Science Examine an Earth and Space Science issue and the validity of the information communicated to the public 4 credits Internal
This standard is internally assessed. See Te Kete Ipurangi website
91189 Earth and Space Science Investigate geological processes in a New Zealand locality 4 credits Internal
This standard is internally assessed. See Te Kete Ipurangi website
91190 Earth and Space Science Investigate how organisms survive in an extreme environment 4 credits Internal
This standard is internally assessed. See Te Kete Ipurangi website
91191 Earth and Space Science Demonstrate understanding of the causes of extreme Earth events in New Zealand 4 credits External
Examination paper 2023 (1029KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Excellence (4458KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Merit (4509KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Achievement (3893KB)
Examination paper 2022 (1068KB)
Exemplar answer script 2022 (31086KB)
Exemplar answer script 2019 (5663KB)
Examination paper 2021 (1668KB)
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91192 Earth and Space Science Demonstrate understanding of stars and planetary systems 4 credits External
Examination paper 2023 (669KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Excellence (4051KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Merit (3485KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Achievement (3200KB)
Examination paper 2022 (749KB)
Exemplar answer script 2022 (34175KB)
Exemplar answer script 2019 (22504KB)
Examination paper 2021 (1438KB)
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91193 Earth and Space Science Demonstrate understanding of physical principles related to the Earth System 4 credits External
Examination paper 2023 (753KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Excellence (3933KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Merit (3459KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Achievement (3215KB)
Examination paper 2022 (683KB)
Exemplar answer script 2022 (37642KB)
Exemplar answer script 2019 (32532KB)
Examination paper 2021 (1359KB)
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