Te Whakaruruhau Matua

Information about Te Whakaruruhau Matua, who they are and what they do

About Te Whakaruruhau Matua

Te Whakaruruhau Matua are a select group of educators. They're experts (or pou) in their te ao Māori fields.

The Whakaruruhau groups represent subfields (and some domains) of Field Māori. Ngā mema are involved with multiple Whakaruruhau across different areas.

Ngā Mahi a te Whakaruruhau

Te Whakaruruhau Matua's work is important to

  • NZQA
  • Māori Qualifications Services (MQS)
  • providers
  • the ākonga MQS service.

Ensure the integrity of unit standards and qualifications

They make sure Field Māori unit standards and Mātauranga Māori qualifications have integrity, are relevant and valid, now and in the future.

Provide advice and guidance

Whakaruruhau Matua and Whakaruruhau groups meet to advise and guide MQS. They do this when Mātauranga Māori qualifications, unit standards and assessment support materials are reviewed and developed.

Support uptake of Field Māori

Whakaruruhau also help promote Field Māori by running workshops for kaiako and providers.