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Your search found 16 Unit Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Commercial Road Transport Skills

1732 Select and record routes as a road transport operator 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (87KB) (107KB)
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1739 Load, convey by road transport, and unload dangerous goods 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (125KB) (113KB)
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15158 Carry out pre-start vehicle checks on a heavy motor vehicle, prepare vehicle for use, and shut it down 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (90KB) (109KB)
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15166 Operate a manual constant mesh non-synchromesh transmission 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (121KB) (109KB)
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17373 Describe the primary systems and principal components of heavy motor vehicles 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (95KB) (112KB)
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17972 Describe heavy rigid vehicle dynamics and handling for safe driving 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (93KB) (115KB)
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18079 Demonstrate knowledge of heavy combination vehicle dynamics and handling for safe driving 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (95KB) (111KB)
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22151 Demonstrate customer service skills required of road transport drivers 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (93KB) (111KB)
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22152 Respond to spillage, leakage, or loss of load when transporting goods by road 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (121KB) (109KB)
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24089 Demonstrate knowledge of fatigue management, work time, and driver logbook requirements 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (50KB) (110KB)
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28779 Demonstrate knowledge of loading principles and procedures for commercial road transport 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (108KB)
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31542 Identify and describe consignment documentation used in the commercial road transport industry 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (106KB)
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31543 Describe driver roles and responsibilities for the transportation of goods by road 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (104KB)
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31544 Apply knowledge of driver professionalism and positive customer service in the road transport industry 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (108KB)
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31664 Demonstrate knowledge of general health, safety, and basic operational requirements for log truck drivers 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (102KB) (121KB)
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31665 Demonstrate knowledge of High Productivity Motor Vehicle permits 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (93KB) (114KB)
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