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Your search found 4 Achievement Standards under the following subjects:

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Design and Visual Communication

92000 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) Generate product or spatial design ideas using visual communication techniques in response to design influences 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2024 (80KB)
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92001 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) Use representation techniques to visually communicate own product or spatial design outcome 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2024 (154KB)
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92002 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) Develop product or spatial design ideas informed by the consideration of people 5 credits External
Achievement standard 2024 (154KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (330KB)
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92003 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) Use instrumental drawing techniques to communicate own product or spatial design outcome 5 credits External
Achievement standard 2024 (136KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (330KB)
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