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Your search found 7 Unit Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Engineering Core Skills

22898 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of machine levelling and alignment 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (143KB) (80KB)
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22899 Demonstrate knowledge of mechanical power transmission 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (215KB) (75KB)
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29399 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of trade calculations to solve problems for mechanical engineering trades 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (145KB) (77KB)
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29561 Demonstrate knowledge of efficient and effective processes in mechanical engineering or fabrication 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (146KB) (86KB)
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29652 Demonstrate knowledge of safety, health, risk assessment, and hazard ID and control on an engineering worksite 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (89KB) (83KB)
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30472 Demonstrate knowledge of engineering job planning and costing 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (204KB) (82KB)
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30665 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of workplace communication in mechanical engineering trades 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (136KB) (68KB)
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