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Your search found 18 Unit Standards

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Generic Computing

29769 Use the main features and functions of a word processing application for a purpose 4 credits Internal
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29770 Use the main features and functions of a spreadsheet application for a purpose 4 credits Internal
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29771 Use the main features and functions of a presentation application for a purpose 3 credits Internal
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29772 Manage files and folders using digital devices 2 credits Internal
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29773 Produce digital images for a range of digital media 3 credits Internal
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29774 Use the main features and functions of a desktop publishing application to create documents for a purpose 4 credits Internal
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29775 Use the main features and functions of a web authoring and design tool to create a website 3 credits Internal
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29776 Use the main features of an HTML editor to create a website 4 credits Internal
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29777 Use the main features and functions of a database application to create and test a database 3 credits Internal
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29778 Use the main features and functions of a schematic diagram application to create diagrams 2 credits Internal
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29779 Create, assemble, and test a microprocessor-controlled device built from components 3 credits Internal
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29780 Configure, manage and use contemporary and emerging digital devices 3 credits Internal
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29781 Use the Internet and common digital devices and software to gather information and connect with other users and devices 7 credits Internal
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29782 Demonstrate knowledge of computing hardware, software and terminology to select digital tools for specified purposes 5 credits Internal
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32975 Use digital tools securely, safely, ethically and legally 5 credits Internal
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32976 Use problem solving techniques and critical thinking to make informed decisions about digital solutions 5 credits Internal
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32977 Apply self-management skills to enhance own learning in a digital context 3 credits Internal
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29783 (expiring) Implement basic security when using digital devices and software 3 credits Internal
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