Qualification organisation list

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New Zealand Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 4)
AGI Education Limited
Arise Academy Limited
Ignite Colleges Limited (Trading as: (i) Ignite Colleges, (ii) Premier Institute of Education)
New Zealand Management Academies Limited (Trading as: (i) New Zealand Management Academies; and (ii) The Culinary Collective; and (iii) New Zealand Institute of Sport; and (iv) New Zealand College of Massage)
New Zealand School of Education Limited (Trading as: New Zealand Skills and Education College)
New Zealand Tertiary College Limited
People Potential Limited
PORSE Education & Training (NZ) Limited (In Liquidation)
Shribrown Limited (Trading as: Ashton Warner Academy)
Taranaki Educare Training Trust
Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (Christchurch) (Trading as: Ara Institute of Canterbury)
Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (Dunedin) (Trading as: Otago Polytechnic)
Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (Lower Hutt) (Trading as: Open Polytechnic of New Zealand)
Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (Manukau City) (Trading as: Manukau Institute of Technology)
Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (PALMERSTON NORTH) (Trading as: UCOL)
Te Whanau Tupu Ngatahi o Aotearoa - Playcentre Aotearoa (Trading as: Playcentre Education)
Training For You Limited
Vision College Limited
Workforce Development Limited