Domain - Supporting People with Disabilities

Domain - Supporting People with Disabilities

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TOP > Community and Social Services > Health, Disability, and Aged Support > Supporting People with Disabilities


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Assessment Standards

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Level 2
26982 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of communication with a person with a communication disability in a health or wellbeing setting
4 Credits
Word  PDF
Level 3
16870 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of intellectual disability and the support needs of a person with an intellectual disability
4 Credits
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16871 Unit Describe physical disability and the support needs of a person with a physical disability
4 Credits
Word  PDF
1828 Unit Identify services available to people with disabilities
4 Credits
Word  PDF
23371 Unit Support a person with a disability to develop a personal plan to enhance their lifestyle
5 Credits
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23372 Unit Describe law in relation to intellectual disability and high and complex needs and legal services available to people
3 Credits
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28523 Unit Describe community values and attitudes and their impact on people with disabilities
2 Credits
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Level 5
18675 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of the impact on family/wh?nau when a family/wh?nau member has a disability
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
6 Credits