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Education Organisation's details

Taranaki Outdoor Pursuits and Educational Centre Trust (New Plymouth)

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This organisation may not be currently assessing standards in all areas of the DAS that are listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered and assessed, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Domain consents to assess

Adventure Based Learning (to level 3)

Alpine (to level 7)

Amenity Horticulture (to level 2)

Apiculture (to level 2)

Aquaculture (to level 2)

Assessment of Learning (to level 5)

Caving (to level 2)

Fencing (to level 2)

Mountain Craft (to level 3)

Orienteering (to level 2)

Outdoor Experiences (to level 3)

Outdoor Management (to level 3)

Plant Pest, Weed, and Disease Control (to level 2)

Production Horticulture (to level 2)

Rock Climbing (to level 3)

Tramping (to level 3)

Weather Interpretation in the Outdoors (to level 3)

Standard consents to assess


17253 Demonstrate knowledge of the biology of abalone (level 3) View details »

16673 Demonstrate knowledge of the biology of oysters (level 3) View details »

16340 Demonstrate knowledge of the biology of the New Zealand Greenshell mussel (level 3) View details »

23856 Describe fouling organisms and their control for an aquaculture operation (level 3) View details »

16337 Describe New Zealand Greenshell mussel (kutai, kuku) farming (level 3) View details »

23857 Describe the harvesting of farmed fin fish and associated processes (level 3) View details »

16674 Describe the principles of aquatic ecology and relate to aquaculture (level 3) View details »

19772 Describe, and apply in the workplace, environmental best practice in the aquaculture industry (level 3) View details »

Canoeing - Kayaking

20818 Demonstrate paddling a craft on flat water (level 1) View details »

32848 Demonstrate paddling skills on moving water (level 2) View details »

19428 Demonstrate sea kayaking skills on coastal water (level 3) View details »

31788 Plan, prepare, lead and evaluate an introductory sea kayaking activity on flat water (level 4) View details »

31796 Plan, prepare, lead and evaluate an introductory sit-on-top kayaking activity on flat water (level 4) View details »

31798 Plan, prepare, lead and evaluate an introductory whitewater kayaking activity on flat water (level 4) View details »

476 Roll a decked paddle craft on flat water (level 2) View details »

Compliance and Regulatory Control

14545 Demonstrate knowledge of vertebrate pest management methods (level 2) View details »

14540 Destroy vertebrate pests using traps for pest management (level 2) View details »

Delivery of Adult Education and Training

29693 Reflect on own adult or tertiary teaching practice and identify areas for improvement (level 4) View details »


573 Construct, energise, and test a permanent electric fence (level 3) View details »

572 Describe electric fencing components and systems (level 3) View details »

37 Install fencing wire (level 3) View details »

24821 Locate the position of, and install, primary and intermediate posts for fencing (level 3) View details »

High Wires and High Ropes

473 Demonstrate safe practices for participation in high ropes course activities (level 2) View details »

470 Participate in low ropes course activities (level 1) View details »

31547 Plan, prepare, lead, and evaluate traversing and climbing high ropes activities session (level 4) View details »

Outdoor Equipment

4573 Communicate in the outdoors using two-way radio (level 2) View details »

Outdoor Experiences

30655 Operate within unfamiliar and dynamic outdoor environments as a member of a team (level 4) View details »

Outdoor Management

30689 Demonstrate knowledge of the leadership role in outdoor recreation activities (level 4) View details »

30690 Plan and prepare for leading an outdoor recreation activity (level 4) View details »

Pest Control

29336 Describe impacts of rural pest animals on the environment, and benefits of rural pest animal control operations (level 3) View details »

29335 Describe rural pest animals, monitoring and control operations in New Zealand (level 3) View details »

29338 Prepare and use traps to control rural pest animals (level 3) View details »

Pest Monitoring

30081 Describe, prepare for, and carry out, rural pest animal population survey monitoring (level 3) View details »

Plant Pest, Weed, and Disease Control

27207 Describe and carry out monitoring of plant pests and diseases (level 3) View details »

21563 Describe hazard classification systems, and the safe and responsible use of agrichemicals (level 3) View details »

27217 Describe key features, principles and benefits of integrated pest management in the primary sector (level 3) View details »

21560 Explain agrichemical use for primary sector applications (level 3) View details »

27208 Identify and describe plant pests, diseases, and disorders, and methods of prevention and control (level 3) View details »

27210 Identify and describe weeds, and methods of prevention and control (level 3) View details »


485 Participate in an introductory rafting experience (level 2) View details »

Rock Climbing

30938 Plan, prepare, organise, lead and evaluate an introductory abseil session (level 4) View details »

30953 Plan, prepare, organise, lead and evaluate an introductory top rope rock climbing session (level 4) View details »


30944 Plan, prepare, organise, lead and evaluate introductory bushwalking experiences (level 4) View details »