Domain - Aquaculture

Domain - Aquaculture

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Level 2
16338 Unit Describe how New Zealand Greenshell mussel (kutai, kuku) spat are obtained and used
5 Credits
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17254 Unit Outline the abalone (p?ua) farming industry in New Zealand
10 Credits
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19776 Unit Prepare spat-catching racks and set out bundles
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
5 Credits
19777 Unit Load and store stockings used in the mussel (kutai, kuku) farming industry
5 Credits
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19852 Unit Describe the salmon farming industry in New Zealand and worldwide
10 Credits
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5334 Unit Prepare bundles of sticks for Pacific oyster (tio) spat-catching
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5 Credits
5335 Unit Construct, clean and repair grow-out units to hold oysters (tio) on an oyster (tio) farm
5 Credits
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5343 Unit Maintain an inter-tidal oyster (tio) farm
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5 Credits
5356 Unit Pack live shellfish from an aquaculture farm for sale
5 Credits
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Level 3
16333 Unit Describe and carry out the hauling process, and operate the davit and the declumper on a mussel (kutai, kuku) vessel
15 Credits
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16334 Unit Describe and carry out the seeding process on a mussel (kutai, kuku) farm
10 Credits
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16335 Unit Describe and carry out the bagging process on a mussel (kutai, kuku) vessel
10 Credits
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16336 Unit Describe and carry out repair and maintenance work on a mussel (kutai, kuku) farm
10 Credits
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16337 Unit Describe New Zealand Greenshell mussel (kutai, kuku) farming
10 Credits
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16339 Unit Describe, harvest, handle, bag, and transport shellfish products to maintain product quality
10 Credits
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16340 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of the biology of the New Zealand Greenshell mussel
5 Credits
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16672 Unit Describe Pacific oyster (tio) farming industry in New Zealand
10 Credits
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16673 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of the biology of oysters
5 Credits
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16674 Unit Describe the principles of aquatic ecology and relate to aquaculture
10 Credits
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17252 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of, and monitor and maintain, reticulated water systems for a seafood live holding facility
20 Credits
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17253 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of the biology of abalone
5 Credits
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17255 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of, and test for, water quality in a seafood live holding facility
10 Credits
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18483 Unit Describe the feeding of farmed fin fish
10 Credits
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18484 Unit Use the camera/spinner system to feed salmon
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
10 Credits
18485 Unit Use the AQ1/spinner system to feed salmon
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
10 Credits
18486 Unit Describe and carry out a feed stock-take on a fin fish farm
5 Credits
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18488 Unit Describe spinner settings and interpret feeding data for fin fish feeding
5 Credits
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18489 Unit Describe net systems and undertake net changes on a fin fish farm
5 Credits
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18490 Unit Count and classify mortalities on a fin fish farm
5 Credits
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18491 Unit Dive cages on a salmon farm
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
2 Credits
19772 Unit Describe, and apply in the workplace, environmental best practice in the aquaculture industry
5 Credits
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19775 Unit Describe the use of ropes, and prepare and store rope for use in the aquaculture industry
5 Credits
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19848 Unit Describe and carry out a biomass assessment of farmed fin fish
5 Credits
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19849 Unit Carry out net repairs on a fin fish farm
5 Credits
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19850 Unit Describe the handling of and take action to remove seals on a fin fish farm
10 Credits
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19851 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of the biology of fin fish
5 Credits
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20305 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of the biology of the sea urchin
5 Credits
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20306 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of the biology of a species of aquatic Crustacea
5 Credits
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20307 Unit Describe protocols when working with M?ori to seek consent for an aquaculture associated activity
5 Credits
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20464 Unit Describe, prepare for and carry out spawning of broodstock for an aquaculture species
5 Credits
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20465 Unit Describe incubation procedures, egg requirements, and risks, and maintain fertilised eggs for aquaculture species
5 Credits
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20466 Unit Monitor and maintain the rearing of a freshwater fish species
5 Credits
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20467 Unit Harvest farmed fin fish
5 Credits
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21948 Unit Describe automated feeding and use an automated system to feed a population of farmed fin fish
10 Credits
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21949 Unit Describe hand feeding and hand feed a population of farmed fin fish
10 Credits
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21950 Unit Describe and carry out zooplankton culture for use in the New Zealand aquaculture industry
10 Credits
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21951 Unit Describe triploiding in the New Zealand aquaculture industry
5 Credits
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21954 Unit Grade and count farmed fin fish
5 Credits
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22804 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of the regulatory programme assuring safety of commercial bivalve shellfish at harvesting
5 Credits
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23852 Unit Describe and carry out the preparation and load out of live fin fish
5 Credits
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23853 Unit Describe the transportation of live fin fish and transport live fin fish
5 Credits
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23854 Unit Describe the receipt of live fish and receive live fish
3 Credits
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23855 Unit Describe, prepare, transport and receive eyed fish eggs
5 Credits
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23856 Unit Describe fouling organisms and their control for an aquaculture operation
5 Credits
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23857 Unit Describe the harvesting of farmed fin fish and associated processes
5 Credits
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23858 Unit Describe and carry out the crowding of farmed fin fish
5 Credits
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25307 Unit Assess size distribution of fin fish and interpret data for an aquaculture facility
5 Credits
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5336 Unit Harvest oysters (tio) grown on sticks from an inter-tidal oyster (tio) farm
5 Credits
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5337 Unit De-clump, cull and grade oysters (tio) from an oyster (tio) farm
5 Credits
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5338 Unit Lay out oyster (tio) spat on an inter-tidal farm
5 Credits
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5339 Unit Build an inter-tidal oyster (tio) farm to a specified design
10 Credits
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5340 Unit Operate and perform routine maintenance on load-shifting equipment used in oyster (tio) farming
5 Credits
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5342 Unit Culture and harvest single seed oysters (tio)
10 Credits
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5344 Unit Describe and operate an oyster (tio) barge on inner harbour limits
10 Credits
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5355 Unit Assist to depurate and wet store shellfish
5 Credits
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Level 4
18487 Unit Program the AQ1 system and interpret AQPC data for salmon feeding
10 Credits
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19216 Unit Repair and maintain equipment and structures on a New Zealand aquaculture farm
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
15 Credits
19217 Unit Describe the procedures and complete the application to gain legal authorisations for an aquaculture associated activity
10 Credits
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19218 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of the New Zealand and global aquaculture industry
5 Credits
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19219 Unit Describe hatchery techniques used in the New Zealand aquaculture industry
15 Credits
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19220 Unit Describe health issues and factors impacting on product quality for a selected aquaculture species
10 Credits
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19773 Unit Describe and supervise the management of environmental best practice in the aquaculture industry
10 Credits
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19774 Unit Describe the transfer of an aquaculture species from one site to another
5 Credits
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20308 Unit Describe and analyse the effects on M?ori of an aquaculture associated activity
5 Credits
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21952 Unit Carry out triploiding and describe methods of confirming success for a selected aquaculture species
5 Credits
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21953 Unit Describe and carry out micro algal culture for use in the New Zealand aquaculture industry
10 Credits
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23646 Unit Repair and maintain equipment and structures for New Zealand land-based aquaculture
15 Credits
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23647 Unit Repair and maintain equipment and structures for New Zealand sea-based aquaculture
15 Credits
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24670 Unit Describe the purpose, benefits, principles and approaches of selective breeding in an aquaculture species
5 Credits
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24671 Unit Explain the growth of single-seed Pacific oyster spat in a pond-nursery system, and handle the spat to maintain quality
8 Credits
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24672 Unit Explain techniques used for farming single-seed Pacific oysters to maximise quality on farm grow-outs
10 Credits
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24673 Unit Explain and carry out the grading of single-seed Pacific oysters
5 Credits
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24674 Unit Compare oyster grow-out systems, and explain grow-out systems used to farm single-seed Pacific oysters
5 Credits
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24675 Unit Explain techniques used to stimulate fattening of single-seed Pacific oysters to achieve optimal market condition
5 Credits
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24676 Unit Monitor and maintain control of production for single-seed Pacific oyster farm grow-out systems
5 Credits
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24677 Unit Explain and carry out farm trials for single-seed Pacific oyster culture
10 Credits
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24678 Unit Develop and document an aquaculture production plan for farming a commercial species in an aquaculture facility
5 Credits
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25308 Unit Describe and carry out thawing of cryopreserved milt for use on an aquaculture facility
5 Credits
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25309 Unit Describe and carry out cryopreservation of milt on an aquaculture facility
5 Credits
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25310 Unit Assess fin fish health in an aquaculture facility
5 Credits
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25311 Unit Describe PIT tagging and PIT tag fin fish in an aquaculture facility
5 Credits
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25312 Unit Describe and carry out selective breeding for family creation on an aquaculture facility
15 Credits
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25313 Unit Describe and carry out a sex reversal procedure for fin fish on an aquaculture facility
10 Credits
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25452 Unit Describe and carry out sampling of fin fish for testing
5 Credits
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Level 5
20468 Unit Explain the principles of electric fishing and safely operate electric fishing equipment
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
10 Credits
Level 6
20302 Unit Manage a water reticulation system and facility for a commercial aquaculture or holding operation
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
15 Credits
20303 Unit Design a water reticulation system and facility for a commercial aquaculture or holding operation
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
15 Credits