Domain - Design and Visual Communication

Domain - Design and Visual Communication

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Level 1
91063 Achievement Produce freehand sketches that communicate design ideas
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
3 Credits External
91064 Achievement Produce instrumental, multi-view orthographic drawings that communicate technical features of design ideas
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
3 Credits External
91065 Achievement Produce instrumental paraline drawings to communicate design ideas
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
3 Credits External
91066 Achievement Use rendering techniques to communicate the form of design ideas
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
3 Credits Internal
91067 Achievement Use the work of an influential designer to inform design ideas
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
3 Credits Internal
91068 Achievement Undertake development of design ideas through graphics practice
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
6 Credits Internal
91069 Achievement Promote an organised body of design work to an audience using visual communication techniques
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
4 Credits Internal
92000 Achievement Generate product or spatial design ideas using visual communication techniques in response to design influences
5 Credits Internal
Word  PDF
92001 Achievement Use representation techniques to visually communicate own product or spatial design outcome
5 Credits Internal
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92002 Achievement Develop product or spatial design ideas informed by the consideration of people
5 Credits External
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92003 Achievement Use instrumental drawing techniques to communicate own product or spatial design outcome
5 Credits External
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Level 2
91337 Achievement Use visual communication techniques to generate design ideas
3 Credits External
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91338 Achievement Produce working drawings to communicate technical details of a design
4 Credits External
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91339 Achievement Produce instrumental perspective projection drawings to communicate design ideas
3 Credits External
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91340 Achievement Use the characteristics of a design movement or era to inform own design ideas
3 Credits Internal
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91341 Achievement Develop a spatial design through graphics practice
6 Credits Internal
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91342 Achievement Develop a product design through graphics practice
6 Credits Internal
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91343 Achievement Use visual communication techniques to compose a presentation of a design
4 Credits Internal
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Level 3
91627 Achievement Initiate design ideas through exploration
4 Credits External
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91628 Achievement Develop a visual presentation that exhibits a design outcome to an audience
6 Credits Internal
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91629 Achievement Resolve a spatial design through graphics practice
6 Credits Internal
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91630 Achievement Resolve a product design through graphics practice
6 Credits Internal
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91631 Achievement Produce working drawings to communicate production details for a complex design
6 Credits External
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