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Your search found 4 Achievement Standards under the following subjects:

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Business Studies

91865 Agribusiness Demonstrate understanding of future proofing influences that affect business viability 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (29KB) (47KB)
Achievement standard 2018 (35KB) (48KB)
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91866 Agribusiness Conduct an inquiry into the use of organisms to meet future needs 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (31KB) (50KB)
Achievement standard 2018 (37KB) (51KB)
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91867 Agribusiness Demonstrate understanding of a primary industry business structure that best meets the strategic needs of a business 3 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (75KB) (47KB)
Achievement standard 2018 (138KB) (47KB)
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91868 Agribusiness Demonstrate understanding of cash flow forecasting for a business 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (29KB) (48KB)
Achievement standard 2018 (35KB) (48KB)
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