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Search results

Your search found 20 Unit Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Core Electronics
Electricity Supply - Retail
Electronic Installation and Maintenance
Electronic Manufacturing
Electronic Office Automation
Electronic Security
Electronics Technology

5881 Demonstrate knowledge of electronic security devices 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (127KB) (112KB)
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5890 Install electronic security intruder alarm and control systems 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (138KB) (116KB)
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5891 Install electronic security access control systems 7 credits Internal
Unit standard (133KB) (115KB)
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5892 Install electronic security surveillance systems 7 credits Internal
Unit standard (133KB) (116KB)
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5893 Install electronic security cable support systems and cables 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (135KB) (115KB)
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8195 Test and select batteries used in electronic applications and select suitable chargers 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (110KB) (104KB)
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8218 Carry out soldering and de-soldering of printed circuit board mounted components and printed circuit board repair 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (129KB) (120KB)
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9221 Demonstrate knowledge of the development of an electronic product typically undertaken by a manufacturing company 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (113KB) (116KB)
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19747 Demonstrate and apply fundamental knowledge of microcontrollers 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (109KB)
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20615 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of electronic test equipment 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (121KB) (110KB)
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26119 Construct, and describe the performance of, a simple electronic programmable circuit 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (91KB) (113KB)
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26120 Describe and construct circuits to demonstrate the operation and properties of electronic devices 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (90KB) (111KB)
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26121 Plan, construct, modify, and report on an electronic prototype 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (91KB) (116KB)
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26122 Demonstrate knowledge of and build circuits using digital electronic devices that interface with ADC and DAC functions 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (87KB) (109KB)
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26123 Demonstrate knowledge of logic circuit functions and their applications 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (113KB) (110KB)
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20430 (expiring) Demonstrate and apply fundamental knowledge of d.c. principles for electronics technicians 7 credits Internal
Unit standard (160KB) (113KB)
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20431 (expiring) Demonstrate and apply fundamental knowledge of a.c. principles for electronics technicians 7 credits Internal
Unit standard (160KB) (116KB)
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20432 (expiring) Demonstrate and apply fundamental knowledge of digital electronics for electronics technicians 7 credits Internal
Unit standard (157KB) (108KB)
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20433 (expiring) Demonstrate and apply fundamental knowledge of analogue electronics for electronics technicians 7 credits Internal
Unit standard (173KB) (110KB)
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20434 (expiring) Demonstrate knowledge of practical mathematics for electronics technicians 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (204KB) (206KB)
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