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Your search found 8 Unit Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Youth Development

16849 Describe knowledge of ethics in youth work 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (129KB) (100KB)
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16853 Describe tangata whenua, and demonstrate kawa and tikanga, in a youth work setting 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (120KB) (116KB)
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22250 Demonstrate knowledge of professional supervision for youth workers 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (130KB) (121KB)
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28538 Establish and maintain a relationship to support a young person in the youth development sector 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (133KB) (126KB)
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28540 Facilitate group activities with young people in the youth development sector 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (98KB) (120KB)
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28541 Support a young person to identify goals and develop an action plan to support their achievement 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (98KB) (119KB)
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28556 Plan, implement, and evaluate a youth development project 15 credits Internal
Unit standard (130KB) (122KB)
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16862 (expiring) Demonstrate knowledge of safety management in the youth development sector 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (162KB) (112KB)
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