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Education Organisation's details

Kauri Academy (NZ) International Ltd (Auckland)

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This organisation may not be currently assessing standards in all areas of the DAS that are listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered and assessed, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Standard consents to assess

Assessment of Learning

4098 Use standards to assess candidate performance (level 4) View details »

Community Support Services

23685 Demonstrate knowledge of pre-packaged medication and the process for use in a health or wellbeing setting (level 2) View details »

23385 Describe benefits of and demonstrate behaviours that support advocacy and self-advocacy in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

26981 Describe risks, impacts, and actions for falls and minimise risk of falls in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

26976 Describe the use of enablers, restraints, and safe restraint practice in an aged care, health, or disability context (level 2) View details »

24657 Develop a support plan with a person in a health, disability, or community setting (level 5) View details »

26979 Identify the appropriate immediate response to the death of a person in a health or wellbeing setting (level 2) View details »

23388 Provide support to a person whose behaviour presents challenges in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

23391 Respond to loss and grief in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

28544 Support a person according to their cultural preferences in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

23386 Support a person to meet personal care needs in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

23382 Support a person to participate as a member of the community in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

27833 Support people to use assistive equipment and move in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

Diversional Therapy

5795 Describe and apply the principles of quality assurance to diversional and recreational therapy practice (level 4) View details »

23918 Describe diversional and recreational therapy (level 3) View details »

5792 Develop, implement, and evaluate a diversional and recreational therapy plan for a person experiencing grief and loss (level 4) View details »

5788 Develop, implement, evaluate, and adapt diversional and recreational therapy group care plans (level 4) View details »

5786 Develop, implement, evaluate, and adapt personal diversional and recreational therapy care plans (level 4) View details »

5791 Identify safety concerns, assess risk, and develop safety strategies in a diversional and recreational therapy setting (level 4) View details »

5789 Identify, implement, evaluate, and adapt diversional and recreational therapy activities in supportive environments (level 5) View details »

English for Academic Purposes

22891 Deliver an oral presentation in English for an academic purpose (level 4) View details »

22892 Listen to and process information from a spoken text in English for an academic purpose (level 4) View details »

22751 Read and process information in English for academic purposes (level 4) View details »

22750 Write a crafted text using researched material in English for an academic purpose (level 4) View details »

22749 Write a text under test conditions in English for an academic purpose (level 4) View details »

Health and Disability Principles in Practice

23393 Apply and evaluate a risk management plan for a person in a health or wellbeing setting (level 4) View details »

27104 Apply the Code of Rights when supporting people in an aged care, health, or disability context (level 3) View details »

20826 Demonstrate knowledge of infection control requirements in a health or wellbeing setting (level 2) View details »

28521 Describe responses to vulnerability and abuse in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

25987 Describe values and culturally safe principles for Pacific people in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

26853 Develop, implement, and report on quality objectives in a health or wellbeing setting (level 5) View details »

26851 Implement health and wellbeing strategies for a person in an aged care, health, or disability context (level 5) View details »

26854 Recognise and respond to changes in the health and wellbeing of a person in an aged care, health, or disability context (level 4) View details »

16874 Support a person with a communication impairment (level 4) View details »

Interpersonal Communications

9681 Contribute within a team or group which has an objective (level 3) View details »

11097 Listen actively to gain information in an interactive situation (level 3) View details »

Older Persons' Health and Wellbeing

23923 Demonstrate knowledge of dementia (level 4) View details »

32416 Demonstrate knowledge of support for family, whānau, and care partners of people living with dementia (level 4) View details »

23920 Demonstrate knowledge of support for people living with dementia (level 4) View details »

26974 Describe interaction, supports, and reporting for people with dementia in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

28563 Provide person-centred care when supporting a person with early-stage dementia in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

23921 Support people living with dementia (level 4) View details »

Sensory Support

23375 Describe hearing impairment and support services that are specific to people with a hearing impairment (level 3) View details »

Supporting People with Disabilities

16870 Demonstrate knowledge of intellectual disability and the support needs of a person with an intellectual disability (level 3) View details »

16871 Describe physical disability and the support needs of a person with a physical disability (level 3) View details »

Whānau Ora and Community Support

1810 Provide information about resources and support services in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

Work and Study Skills

26626 Interpret statistical information for a purpose (level 1) View details »

26627 Use measurement to solve problems (level 1) View details »

26623 Use number to solve problems (level 1) View details »


1279 Write in plain English (level 3) View details »