Domain - Social Service Work with Abuse, Neglect, and Violence
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0 Qualifications | 28 Assessment Standards (28 Units) | View Education Organisations with Consent to Assess |
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Assessment Standards
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Level 3
Describe risk factors and indicators of child abuse
Version 3
17454 Unit Standard 5 Credits
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People credited with this unit standard are able to describe: child abuse; risk factors which make a child vulnerable to abuse; and the indicators of child abuse.
Consent & Moderation Requirements:
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Demonstrate knowledge of child abuse reporting procedures
Version 2
17455 Unit Standard 3 Credits
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People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe a process for responding to child abuse; describe the process undertaken in reporting suspected child abuse; and describe follow-up actions than can be undertaken by a notifier of child abuse reports.
Consent & Moderation Requirements:
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Demonstrate knowledge of the requirements for child protection procedures within a workplace
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 2
17456 Unit Standard 2 Credits
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This unit standard is designed for those people whose activities bring them into contact with children, or who have a responsibility to respond to children who have been abused and/or are at risk of abuse. These people will be involved with a wide range of organisations and groups inside and outside of the social services. This unit standard is not designed for people seeking qualifications as professional social service workers, such as counsellors, community workers, Iwi/Maori social service workers, Pacific Island social service workers, or youth workers. Other unit standards have been registered for those role holders. People credited with this unit standard are able to outline the requirements for implementing child protection procedures, and describe a process for implementing child protection procedures in the workplace.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Implement child abuse reporting procedures
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 2
17457 Unit Standard 4 Credits
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This unit standard is designed for those people whose activities bring them into contact with children, or who have a responsibility to respond to children who have been abused and/or are at risk of abuse. These people will be involved with a wide range of organisations and groups inside and outside of the social services. This unit standard is not designed for people seeking qualifications as professional social service workers, such as counsellors, community workers, Iwi/Maori social service workers, Pacific Island social service workers, or youth workers. Other unit standards have been registered for those role holders. People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify that a child is at risk from child abuse; intervene on behalf of a child who is at risk from child abuse; and follow up an intervention to ensure a child is safe.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Record and report suspected abuse, neglect, or violence in wh?nau/family and foster care
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 3
20358 Unit Standard 3 Credits
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This unit standard is intended for carers in whanau/family and foster care who may suspect that a child or young person has experienced abuse, neglect, or violence either within their own family or whanau, or in a whanau/family and foster care situation, or in another place such as a school. People credited with this unit standard are able to record and report suspected abuse, neglect, or violence in whanau/family and foster care.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Level 4
Describe structural issues related to abuse, neglect, and violence
Version 2
18290 Unit Standard 6 Credits
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People awarded this unit standard are able to: identify and describe structural issues related to abuse, neglect, and violence in the historical context, and describe selected structural issues related to abuse, neglect, and violence in the contemporary context.
Consent & Moderation Requirements:
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Describe aspects of knowledge for working with abuse, neglect, and violence
Version 2
18292 Unit Standard 6 Credits
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People awarded this unit standard are able to: describe theoretical and practice issues related to abuse, neglect, and violence; describe means of recognition of abuse, neglect, and violence; and describe legislation and social services related to abuse, neglect, and violence.
Consent & Moderation Requirements:
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Describe selected aspects of the impact of abuse, neglect, and violence on human development
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 2
18294 Unit Standard 3 Credits
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People credited with this unit standard are able to describe selected aspects of the impact of abuse, neglect, and violence on human development. This is an entry level theory unit standard designed for social service workers who are working with abuse, neglect, and violence. It is intended to support other unit standards within the domain. It needs to be based upon understanding of Maori or Tauiwi theories of human development.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Describe aspects of safe practice in social service work with abuse, neglect, and violence
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 2
18296 Unit Standard 3 Credits
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People awarded this unit standard are able to describe aspects of: the social service worker''s own experiences, attributes, values, and beliefs related to abuse, neglect, and violence; a service provider''s policies and services related to abuse, neglect, and violence; and principles for safe practice in social service work with abuse, neglect, and violence.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Assess presenting issues in situations of abuse, neglect, or violence
Version 2
18298 Unit Standard 6 Credits
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People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe assessment of presenting issues in social service work with abuse, neglect, and violence; establish an environment for assessment of presenting issues in a situation of abuse, neglect, or violence; gather information on presenting issues in a situation of abuse, neglect, or violence; and assess the information gathered on presenting issues in a situation of abuse, neglect, or violence.
Consent & Moderation Requirements:
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Provide support for people affected by abuse, neglect, or violence
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 2
18300 Unit Standard 9 Credits
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People awarded this unit standard are able to: negotiate provision of support for a person whose life or safety is affected by abuse, neglect, or violence; support a person whose life or safety is affected by abuse, neglect, or violence; and effect closure of support for a person whose life or safety is affected by abuse, neglect, or violence.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Outline structural issues related to abuse, neglect, and violence in wh?nau/family and foster care
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 3
20357 Unit Standard 5 Credits
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People awarded this unit standard are able to: outline selected historical and contemporary structural issues related to abuse, neglect, and violence, and outline selected historical and contemporary structural issues related to abuse, neglect, and violence in a whanau/family and foster care situation.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Identify, respond to, and report in situations of suspected abuse, neglect, or violence
Version 6
7984 Unit Standard 3 Credits
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People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify an incident of suspected abuse, neglect, or violence as a social service worker; respond to an incident of suspected abuse, neglect, or violence as a social service worker; and record and report an incident of suspected abuse, neglect, or violence as a social service worker.
Consent & Moderation Requirements:
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Level 5
Contribute to a non violence programme
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 5
7987 Unit Standard 6 Credits
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People awarded this unit standard are able to explain theoretical and practice issues related to non violence programmes, and contribute to implementation of a non violence programme.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Level 6
Analyse structural issues related to abuse, neglect, and violence
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 2
18289 Unit Standard 9 Credits
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People awarded this unit standard are able to: analyse structural issues related to abuse, neglect, and violence in the historical context, and analyse structural issues related to abuse, neglect, and violence in the contemporary context. This is a theory unit standard designed for people working with abuse, neglect, and violence. It is intended to support other unit standards within the domain.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Demonstrate knowledge for social service work with abuse, neglect, and violence
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 2
18291 Unit Standard 12 Credits
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People awarded this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of theoretical and practice issues related to abuse, neglect, and violence; demonstrate knowledge of means of recognition of abuse, neglect, and violence; and demonstrate knowledge of legislation and social services related to abuse, neglect, and violence.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Analyse the impact of abuse, neglect, and violence on human development
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 2
18293 Unit Standard 6 Credits
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People credited with this unit standard are able to analyse the impact of abuse, neglect, and violence on human development.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Demonstrate knowledge of safe practice in social service work with abuse, neglect, and violence
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 2
18295 Unit Standard 6 Credits
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People awarded this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of: the social service worker''s own experiences, attributes, values and beliefs related to abuse, neglect, and violence; a service provider''s policies and services related to abuse, neglect, and violence; and principles for safe practice in social service work with abuse, neglect, and violence.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Undertake assessments in situations of abuse, neglect, or violence
Version 3
18297 Unit Standard 9 Credits
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People credited with this unit standard are able to: explain the significance of assessment in social service work with abuse, neglect, and violence; demonstrate knowledge of types of assessment in social service work with abuse, neglect, and violence; establish an environment for making an assessment in a situation of abuse, neglect, or violence; gather information on the participant(s) within their wider context in social service work with abuse, neglect, or violence; and record, analyse, and report on information gathered in a situation of abuse, neglect, or violence.
Consent & Moderation Requirements:
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Investigate and manage intake in situations of suspected abuse, neglect, or violence
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 2
18299 Unit Standard 9 Credits
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People credited with this unit standard are able to: establish an environment for investigating a situation of suspected abuse, neglect, or violence; gather information on a situation of suspected abuse, neglect, or violence; manage intake in a situation of suspected abuse, neglect, or violence; and record a situation of suspected abuse, neglect, or violence.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Conduct case reviews of interventions in social service work with abuse, neglect, or violence
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 2
18304 Unit Standard 6 Credits
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People credited with this unit standard are able to: plan a case review of an intervention in social service work with abuse, neglect, or violence; facilitate the case review of an intervention in social service work with abuse, neglect, or violence; facilitate closure of a case review of an intervention in social service work with abuse, neglect, or violence; and record the case review of an intervention in social service work with abuse, neglect, or violence.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Monitor and evaluate programmes in social service work with abuse, neglect, or violence
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 2
18305 Unit Standard 9 Credits
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People credited with this unit standard are able to: establish the plan to monitor and evaluate a programme in social service work with abuse, neglect, or violence; conduct the monitoring and evaluation of a programme in social service work with abuse, neglect, or violence; analyse the information from the monitoring and evaluation of a programme in social service work with abuse, neglect, or violence; and reflect on the monitoring and evaluation process of a programme in social service work with abuse, neglect, or violence.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Facilitate empowerment with people who have experienced abuse, neglect, or violence
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 6
7969 Unit Standard 6 Credits
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People credited with this unit standard are able to: respond to participants who have experienced abuse, neglect, or violence; facilitate identification of the consequences of abuse, neglect, or violence for participants; facilitate planning of strategies for participant empowerment in abuse, neglect, and violence situations; facilitate implementation of the plan for participant empowerment in abuse, neglect, and violence situations; facilitate evaluation of implementation of the plan for participant empowerment in abuse, neglect, and violence situations; and effect closure of implementation of the plan for participant empowerment in abuse, neglect, and violence situations.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Establish protection or safety plans in social service work with abuse, neglect, or violence
Version 6
7985 Unit Standard 9 Credits
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People credited with this unit standard are able to, in social service work with abuse, neglect, or violence: develop a plan for protection or safety; facilitate implementation of a plan for protection or safety; and close a plan for protection or safety.
Consent & Moderation Requirements:
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Plan and implement a non violence programme
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 5
7986 Unit Standard 9 Credits
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People awarded this unit standard are able to: explain theoretical and practice issues related to non violence programmes; plan a non violence programme; and implement a non violence programme.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Level 7
Provide counselling and intervention for people affected by abuse, neglect, or violence
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 2
18301 Unit Standard 15 Credits
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People credited with this unit standard are able to: establish a relationship and environment in which to provide counselling and intervention for a person affected by abuse, neglect, or violence; use counselling and intervention skills to assist a person affected by abuse, neglect, or violence to identify her/his goals for counselling and intervention; use counselling and intervention skills to assist a person affected by abuse, neglect, or violence to plan to achieve her/his goals for counselling and intervention; use counselling and intervention skills to assist a person affected by abuse, neglect, or violence to achieve her/his goals for counselling and intervention; and effect closure of counselling and intervention for a person affected by abuse, neglect, or violence.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Provide counselling and intervention for people affected by historical abuse, neglect, or violence
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 2
18302 Unit Standard 15 Credits
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People awarded this unit standard are able to: analyse theoretical issues related to historical abuse, neglect, and violence; analyse practice issues related to historical abuse, neglect, and violence; and apply analysis of theoretical and practice issues to counselling and intervention with a survivor of historical abuse, neglect, or violence. This unit standard is intended to extend the competency of people who have been awarded Unit 18301, Provide counselling and intervention for a person affected by abuse, neglect, or violence, or Unit 18303, Provide counselling and intervention with perpetrators of abuse, neglect, or violence to enable them to work with survivors of historical abuse, neglect, or violence.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Provide counselling and intervention with perpetrators of abuse, neglect, or violence
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
Version 2
18303 Unit Standard 15 Credits
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People credited with this unit standard are able to: establish a relationship and environment in which to provide counselling and intervention with a perpetrator of abuse, neglect, or violence; use intervention and counselling skills to assist a perpetrator to identify and commit to goals for the intervention; use intervention and counselling skills to assist a perpetrator to develop and commit to a plan to achieve the identified goals for the intervention; use intervention and counselling skills to assist a perpetrator to implement the plan to achieve the identified goals for the intervention; and effect resolution of the goals for intervention with a perpetrator of abuse, neglect, or violence.
Standard-setting body:
Toit? te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council
Data as at 12 October 2024