Domain - Machine Operations - Forestry

Domain - Machine Operations - Forestry

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Level 3

Demonstrate knowledge of, and undertake, basic repairs and maintenance on a forestry industry machine

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Version 5

24568 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people operating machinery in a forestry operation. People credited with this unit standard are, for a forestry industry machine, able to: demonstrate knowledge of basic repairs and maintenance; undertake basic checks and servicing; undertake basic maintenance; demonstrate and apply knowledge of basic hydraulic repairs; and explain electrical maintenance procedures.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate knowledge of machine recovery in commercial forestry operations
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 2

24589 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people employed as machine operators in commercial forestry operations. 3 People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of: incidents and accidents involving machines in commercial forestry operations; actions to be taken in the event of a machine emergency; a machine recovery plan; documentation requirements for incidents requiring machine recovery.

Standard-setting body:

Te P?kenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Demonstrate knowledge of forest industry machines

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Version 3

27964 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of: forest industry machines, their capabilities and operating risks; the safety features and safe operation of forest industry machines; fuel handling for forest industry machines; and fire risks and fire prevention relating to forest industry machines. They are also able to explain the ergonomic features of forest industry machines.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Operate a forest industry machine

Word  PDF

Version 3

27965 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: prepare for operating a forest industry machine; and start up, operate, and shut down a forest industry machine.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate knowledge of the log loading process

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Version 7

6926 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people employed in a log loading or associated role in a forestry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of loading areas in landing operations; describe landing surface damages, the causes and prevention or minimisation methods; explain documentation requirements for logs leaving the site; demonstrate knowledge of machines used for loading logs in a forest situation; log loading and unloading; and split loads.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Operate a vehicle mounted hydraulic loader in a commercial forestry environment
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 8

6927 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people employed in a harvesting or log loading or associated role in a forestry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of vehicle mounted hydraulic loaders and their capabilities; prepare for operating a vehicle mounted hydraulic loader; and operate a vehicle mounted hydraulic loader.

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Level 4

Plan and form an extraction track in a forestry operation

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Version 5

17758 Unit Standard 6 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people operating earth moving machinery in a forestry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to plan the location of an extraction track for forestry operations, and form an extraction track for forestry operations.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Operate a self-levelling machine in a forestry operation

Word  PDF

Version 5

24590 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people operating self-levelling machines in a forestry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of self-levelling machines for forestry operations; conduct pre-start and maintenance checks prior to operating a self-levelling machine; start up a self-levelling machine; operate a self-levelling machine for forestry operations; and shut down a self-levelling machine.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Extract stems or logs using a ground-based machine

Word  PDF

Version 5

27628 Unit Standard 20 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for the operators of forestry machines used to extract stems or logs from a forest in a ground-based operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: interpret a job prescription for ground-based extraction; control risks associated with ground-based extraction; plan and control ground-based extraction; extract stems or logs to a landing; meet job prescription and worksite production requirements; and carry out maintenance of the extraction machine.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate knowledge of, and fell trees using a mechanised felling machine in a thinning operation

Word  PDF

Version 2

32177 Unit Standard 20 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people employed as a harvesting machine operator in a mechanised thinning operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of planning requirements and produce a cut plan for a mechanised thinning operation, a mechanised felling machine used in a thinning operation, and mechanised felling techniques for a thinning operation; and fell trees using a mechanised felling machine in a thinning operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate knowledge of, and prepare land for forest establishment using an excavator and slash raking attachment

Word  PDF

Version 2

32179 Unit Standard 20 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people employed in a mechanised land preparation role in a forestry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: plan a slash raking operation using an excavator and attachment, demonstrate knowledge of excavators and attachments used for slash raking, prepare land for forest establishment using an excavator and slash raking attachment and explain quality control requirements for an excavator slash raking operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate knowledge of and prepare land for forest establishment using a mechanised spot cultivator

Word  PDF

Version 2

32180 Unit Standard 20 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people employed in a mechanised land preparation role in a forestry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: plan a spot cultivation operation using a mechanised spot cultivator, demonstrate knowledge of a mechanised spot cultivation machine and attachment, prepare land for forest establishment using a mechanised spot cultivator and carry out quality control in a mechanised spot cultivation operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Operate a Bell machine in a forest or a log yard

Word  PDF

Version 8

6928 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of Bell machines and their capabilities and limitations; conduct pre-start and maintenance checks prior to operating a Bell machine; start up a Bell machine; demonstrate knowledge of hazards and risks specific to operating Bell machines, and operate a Bell machine; and shut down a Bell machine.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Operate a forked loader in a forest or a log yard

Word  PDF

Version 8

6930 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of forked loaders and their capabilities and limitations; conduct pre-start and maintenance checks prior to operating a forked loader; start up a forked loader; demonstrate knowledge of hazards and risks specific to operating a forked loader and operate a forked loader; and shut down a forked loader.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Fleet, sort, and stack logs

Word  PDF

Version 7

6931 Unit Standard 15 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: prepare for fleeting, sorting, and stacking logs; demonstrate knowledge of health and safety requirements to fleet, sort and stack logs; and fleet, sort, and stack logs.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Load a logging truck and/or trailer

Word  PDF

Version 9

6932 Unit Standard 15 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people employed in a loading or fleeting role in a forestry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of health and safety requirements for loading a logging truck and/or trailer; prepare for loading logs on to a truck and/or trailer; and load a logging truck and/or trailer.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Operate a skidder in a forestry situation

Word  PDF

Version 8

6934 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of skidders and their capabilities and limitations; conduct pre-start and maintenance checks prior to operating a skidder; start up a skidder; demonstrate knowledge of hazards and risks specific to operating skidders and operate a skidder; and shut down a skidder.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Operate an excavator based tracked machine in a forestry operation

Word  PDF

Version 8

6935 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of excavator based tracked machines and their capabilities; conduct pre-start and maintenance checks prior to operating an excavator based tracked machine; start up an excavator based tracked machine; operate an excavator based tracked machine; and shut down an excavator based tracked machine.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Operate a tracked machine in a forestry situation

Word  PDF

Version 9

6936 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of tracked machines and their capabilities and limitations; conduct pre-start and maintenance checks prior to operating a tracked machine; start up a tracked machine; demonstrate knowledge of hazards and risks specific to operating a tracked machine and operate a tracked machine; and shut down a tracked machine.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 173 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Extract logs to a landing
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 5 This unit standard has been replaced by unit standard 27628.

6937 Unit Standard 20 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: interpret the job prescription for the log extraction operation; manage hazards associated with log extraction; plan and control log extraction; extract logs or tree lengths to landings; meet worksite policy and procedures for log extraction; and carry out general operator responsibilities for log extraction.

Standard-setting body:

Competenz - Forest Industries Training and Education Council (FITEC)

Data as at 05 October 2024