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Your search found 10 Unit Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Early Childhood: Educational Theory and Practice

29853 Demonstrate knowledge of health issues, practices and services to protect and enhance the wellbeing of young children 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (142KB) (120KB)
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29855 Describe attachment behaviours and strategies used to support transitions for young mokopuna/children 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (132KB) (113KB)
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29857 Describe patterns of development and learning for young mokopuna/children 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (132KB) (111KB)
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29858 Provide and reflect on the value of play experiences for a mokopuna/child's development and learning 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (163KB) (112KB)
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29860 Describe strategies and practices to develop positive relationships, social and emotional competence in young children 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (141KB) (117KB)
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32988 Describe and demonstrate basic care needs and practices for young mokopuna/children 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (144KB) (121KB)
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32991 Describe factors that influence a mokopuna/child's brain development and lifelong learning 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (171KB) (114KB)
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29852 (expiring) Demonstrate knowledge of the basic needs and nutrition that support young children's holistic wellbeing and development 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (207KB) (112KB)
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29854 (expiring) Describe personal and environmental hygiene and safety practices for the care of young children 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (144KB) (106KB)
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29856 (expiring) Describe and demonstrate care practices for infants and toddlers 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (148KB) (108KB)
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